12 APRIL 1873, Page 22

The Portfolio. April (Seeleys.)—The literary and the artistic interest of

this periodical are equally well sustained. In the present number wo find a truly admirable article by Mr. Sidney Colvin—on whose appointment to the Slade Professorship at Cambridge we con- gratulate the University which has secured his services—on

Fuseli is a name which has now almost passed out of all popular know- ledge of art, though it is preserved on two or throe well-known engravings ; it is the rarest thing to see any one of his pictures, and indeed, these are not now attractive objects. But he was no common man, and he did some service—a service at least temporarily useful—to English art. Mr. Colvin describes with much sympathy and true appreciation, both the artistic and the personal character of the man, this latter showing much that was genuinely true and vigorous. An illustration drawn on stone—" The Three Witches "—affords a favourable specimen of Fuseli's manner. The frontispiece is an etching by M. F. Laguillermie after Yelasquez, "A Dwarf of Philip IV. of Spain," a very powerful rendering of a great picture. Near Elehe," a Landscape etching by Adolphe Balfourier, is the third illustration. It is a bit of the scenery which sometimes gives such an Eastern look to Spain. The trees in the foreground seem to us especially good, the water and the hills in the background less so.