12 APRIL 1879, Page 2

The arrangement for the mixed occupation of East Roumelia hangs

fire. The Turkish Government, though willing to yield, wishes to be paid for yielding, and there is nobody to pay it; while Germany, France, and Italy decline to send troops to carry out the project. The Russians are ready, and the Austrians, but the English are unwilling to apply pressure at Constantinople. Other proposals are, therefore, it is said, under discussion, one of which is that East Roumelia, should be governed by a Turkish Governor, with an International Commission as his Council ; but meanwhile nothing is done, and the time is slipping rapidly away. May 4th is the date fixed for the evacuation of the province by the Russian troops, and if they depart before they are replaced the province will rise in insurrection, and the whole Eastern Question will be reopened. The Bulgarians, how- ever, are hurrying on the arrangements for the election of their Prince, and it is just possible that when he is elected, the Porte in despair may appoint him Governor-General of East Roumelia. Suppose at the last moment Russia offers the indemnity, which she can never hope to get, as the price of this concession.