12 APRIL 1879, Page 25

Letters from Egypt to Plain Folks at Home. By M.

L. Whately. (Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday.)—This is a small book, written by one of the daughters of the late Archbishop of Dublin, who has now for fifteen years carried on her self-denying work in Cairo. Not content with this, Miss M. L. Whately seeks to interest the artisans and cottagers of England in the people and country of her adoption ; and in doing this, in an easy, familiar style, she tells many simple facts about both which better-instructed people would like to know, and yet cannot learn from grander books. Even amongst the multitude of books on Egypt, this bright little volume, made more attractive by its quietly-coloured illustrations, cannot be spared, for few writers can have such an intimate know- ledge of life in that country. We wish it a wide circulation, and that not only amongst the "Plain Folks."