12 APRIL 1884, Page 3

The French Government is making great efforts to introduce - the

German system of conscription, but is baffled by the resist- -auce of the educated classes. General Campenon, the Minister of War, has introduced a Bill reducing the period of service from five years to three, but abolishing all exemptions whatever not based on physical disqualification. The Bill is accepted by the majority, as the electors insist on" equality before the flag," but nevertheless it does not pass, and it is believed will not pass. The most powerful single class in France, the fathers with interest enough to press Deputies for situations, cannot endure the Bill, which interferes with their sons' education and destroys their prospects of early independence. They want their sons to -enjoy their old privilege of serving for one year as Volunteers, paying their own expenses ; but the mass of conscripts, who have no such option, are resolved not to tolerate this any longer. - A still more serious obstacle in the way of the scheme, is the difficulty of obtaining non-commissioned officers, who -cannot be trained under three years. Ultimately, it is believed that equality will prevail, and that serjeants will be 'retained by high pay; but this, late every French improvement -of late years, will impose a heavy burden upon the Budget. The French should try the English Naval scheme, and bring up poor -children to be non-commissioned officers.