12 APRIL 1930, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, May we appeal to all animal lovers for help in providing for France a number of humane killers ? So far the price of the English humane killers, and the impossibility of having them repaired in France, have made results of demonstrations almost nil.

The French branch of the Council of Justice has started an extensive campaign, and requests for demonstrations come from several towns.

The Schermer humane killer, cheaper than others, has the advantage of being breveted in France, and can be repaired here. In France there are no private slaughter houses—with the exception of Paris, where the Prefet is the ruling auth- ority, the Make has absolute 'control of the Municipal• abat. toirs, and can by an Arra Municipal make htunane killing compulsory. But before doing so, they peed to see, the system demonstrated.

We have arranged to lend Schermers for a period of three months to some abattoirs, others are asking for them, but funds just now will not permit that. Animal Welfare work is little understood in France, very often ridiculed, so societies find it impossible to do more than carry on routine' work, and cannot meet cost of demonstrations.

A sum of £8 to £8 will provide a Schermer, and cartridges for a three months' trial, and cost of demonstrations. With twelve Schemers we could in a short time, I feel, change the outlook on humane killing in France. May we look to our

Mends in England for help in this very great and immediate need ? Subscriptions will be gratefully received at Office; 131 Boulevard St. Michel by The Iron. Treas., The Earl of (Secretary for France.)

Conseil de Justice envers les Animaux, 42, Old Bond Street, Londres, W.1.