12 APRIL 1935, Page 46


The latest Report of the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society is an excellent one. Its good bonus record increas- ingly attracts new business, which last year exceeded £10,000,000, while its funds increased by £2,000,000 to £40,674,000. The net rate of interest earned on the funds, however, was only 7d. per cent. lower than in the previous year at £4 lls. 10d. per cent., thus maintaining a most handsome margin over the assumed rate of 24 per cent. on which the valuation of the life fund liabilities is based. The next valuation is due as at the end of the year and bonus prospects look good. Mortality claims last year were only 67 per cent. of the' expected, and in 1933 they were at the exceptionally low level of 61 per cent.