12 APRIL 1957, Page 18

SIR, —It's rather depressing to see that the .Vectator has joined

the ranks of the dog-don't-eat-dog brigade. I had the impression that the article on John Osborne was written by some seedy little man in a raincoat whose main preoccupation is that of habitually peering through bathroom windows. As 1 am the 'dark-haired gentleman' mentioned in this shoddy piece, I happen to know that your Mr. 'Hancock' isn't at all seedy and not even under- nourished. But judging from his style of journalism, he obviously enjoys peering through bathroom windows.

Your reporter would do reasonably well on the particular Sunday newspaper he names and equally well on its associate newspapers if they were willing to depreciate their capital on libel suits whilst he pries with grubby fingers into other people's letters and personal effects as he did on this occasion. We all know that journalists have to pander to their par- cular readership—and we usually know which jour- nalist to avoid if we don't want the truth distorted. Consequently, one is rather taken aback when hos- pitality is accepted by what can only be the English version of Confidential in Spectator's clothing.

I am not setting up as an Osborne Protection Society—Osborne is more than capable of protecting himself in his own particular manner and you know as well as I do that he could knock Mr. 'Hancock' and his pals sideways if he wanted to.

Having had the bad taste to accept and publish this nauseating article and to save yourself any em- barrassment, you'll probably apply rule number four —suppression—to this. letter. In any case, I shall warn all my friends and associates against the Spectator and the clammy-handed methods it em- ploys.—Yours faithfully.


Motor Yacht Egret, Cabitt's Yacht Basin, Chiswick, W4