12 AUGUST 1837, Page 2


Fr.aess. M Rwressons.


Continued from last Week ... 1113 231

Anglessa ....Stanley . 1 Beech/wash . Wood - 1

Car,narthench.Trevor. Jones 1 1 Canteen/nth. Gore - 1

Cheshire, S. . Egerton. Wilbraham 1 1

CorneaIt. W. Lemon. Pendarves 9 - Cornwall, E. Lord Eliot, Vivian 1 1

Cumberland, Aglionby, James 2 - perb.Y'thfr8' )Cavendish, Evans S -1Vorth Dermuhire. S.Buller, Parker Durham, N. . Liddell, Lambton 1

Fintshire ...Glynn

Olarnorgansh. Lord Adam Talbot 1 He,npihire.S. Fleming, Compton -

HuntingdonshFellowes. Thornhill -

Isle of Wight Holmes Kest, Bast ..linatchtsull.Flumptre f Ld. F. Egerton 14"cashill''' 1 Wilbraham


omitted)} Lewis, Disraeli - 2 ( Nottiaghanah.S.ITouldsworth,Enight- 2 Nertharep-_ Maunsell,Loni Maid- teashieMN Moe - 2 IforMit, E.Virodeliouse, Burroughes - 2 Se.. West Rusldwooke. Logan - Seery, West . Denison, Peramel 1 1 &AUX. End Da.by. Cavendish 1 1

iVarseicksh.S Monlaunt,shieley - 2 Warreiehh.N.Duclalm Wilmot - 9

Wiltshire. N. Burdett, Long - 2 York. N. Rid. Duncombe, Cay ley .. 1 1 York,ll est R \terve, Snick lani . 2 - York, E. Itidiegliethell. BrundleY • - 2

230 971

Deduct for an error in the addi- tion oi the Liberal column, page 698 1

-- 229 Inszsmn.

Continued front last Week ..... 4 2

Antrim Irvine, O'Neill 2 Arnsagh.CouetyLtl. Acheson.Verner 1 1 Armagh t 'urry 1 Attshme . . John O'Connell 1 Bandon Jackson Bettiut Gibson. Belfast 2 cadow Maul° 1 - Carrickfergus* K irk - Clara Muenamara, O'Brien 2

• In our second edition last week, Mr.

R terns. Mr. Liberal opponent, st as put doe n among the Irish returns : this was a mist.tke iiito which we fell in corn. mon with most of our London eontempo. ratios, anti several Irish papers.

d : d

Pesos*. MIMES. IISTOSitiD. 1 I

na to

Monne! ....Ball 1 - Coleraine ...Litton - 1 Donegal Conolly, Hayes ■ 2 Down f Lord Hillsborough,

1 Lord Castlereagh. - 9

Dowlquatrich . Kerr - 1 Drogheda ...Somerville 1 - DabiinCoantyLd. Brabazon. Evans 2 - Dublin O'Connell, Hutton . 2 -

Dubtin Univ Shaw, Lefroy - 2

Dungannon .. Lord Northland - 1

Dusgarrea -O'Callaghan 1 - Bridgman

Ennis 1 - Fermanagh Lord Cole, Archdall . - 2 Gaeway Lynch, Blake 2 - Kinsale . . Mnhony 1 - King's County Westenra, Fitzsimon 9 - Leitrim ..... I.d. Clements, White 9 - Limerick ... .W W. Roche. D. Roche 2 - I County Batman, Jones - 9 Lomdosarry. Ferguson 1 Louth Chester, Bellew 2 - Meath M.O'Connell.Grattan 9 -

Monaghan Lucas, Westeura.... 1 1 Ellis 1

New "Talbot 1 -

Pertarlingtee Damer ■ 1

Sligo Somers 1 - Waterybrd. • Wyse. Barron 2 -


Berwickshire . Campbell 1

Adam 1 - deserves attention-


Inverness sh . Chisholm


Linlithgowsh. Hope Peeblesshire . Mackenzie - 1 tbaburghsh. Elliott 1 - day's poll, the numbers stood—.

ineaashire . Blair - 1


Continued from last Week

Athlone John O'Connell. rice Matthew Befits! Gibson, Lord Belfast Tennent, Dunbar

Carlow Mottle Bruen

norther:and, East .. Aglionby Graham

Dubin O'Conuell, Button West, nonillion

Droyheda Somerville Ploukett

Kinsale Maliony Thomas Orkney Hondas Balfour Ro auryhshire ....Elliot scott


Contitnent from last Week 48

Ant i in, Irvine, rice Belfast 1 t'ormor"henshire ....roues Williams 1 if 'urn,l,al, East .. . . Eliot Trelawney 1

Porhion. North ....Liddell Williamson 1

Fantshire Glynn Mostyn I alainnrganskire ....Lord Adore Dillwyti I Huntingdonshire . .. Fellowes Hooper I Isle of Wight Holmes Simeon I Lanus/blare Lockhart Maxwell 1 Newry Ellis Brady 1 Perth/tire lord Stormont Maul, 1 Sieltills, Wes' LOiiall Wilson 1 Susses. East Darby Clouds 1 Suthcrlandshire ....Howard M wired 1 Trifler Bateman 04 sunuell 1 Wi. &hire. Nor% ...Burdett Methuen 1 York/tire, East.. . . lisondley Thompson 1