12 AUGUST 1854, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

&stood. Mosday. Faraday. Wanes.



11 per Cent Consols

921 921

921 93 931

Ditto for Account ....



921 92 921 931 931 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents 93 931

93 1

931 93 93: 92[ 93


931 931 Long Annuities —

— 44

49 41

Bank Stock, 9 per Cent — 2091 209 2101 210 209 India Stock, 101 per Cent --- 225 — -- — 224

Exchequer Rills, 21d. per diem

2 pm 2 pm. 2 dis. 1 dis. 1 Ms. 2 pm.

India Bonds 4 per Cent — — — 1 pm. —


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Austrian 6 p. et —

Mexican 3 p. Ct.

241 Belgian 41 -

Mississippi a - Ditto 21 - New York a -

901 ex d.

Brazilian a -

991 Peruvian 41 - 69

Buenos Ayres 6 -


Portuguese 6 - Chaim 6 -

Ditto. a -

Danish 5 -

Russian 6


Ditto 3 -

Ditto 41 - 84 Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 61/ Sardinian 6 - 831 Ditto 4 93 Spanish 3 391 French 3

Ditto New Deferred a

19 Ditto 41 - — Ditto (Passive) 41 Massachusetta (Sterling) .5 - 104

Venezuela ae -


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) RAILWAY/4.-

Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby

Lancaabire and Yorkshire

Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western 95 611 591 131 87 951 721 691 91 1061 ex d. 9



British North American


Commercial of London

London and Westminster London Chartd. fink. of Australia London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


831 65

39 211ex rl. 271 ex d.

491 66 ex d. 231 ex el.

Midland aai Brazilian Imperial 31 Midland Great Western (Ireland)

Ditto (St. John del Rey)

North British 351 Cobre Copper 47 Oxford, Wor. and Wolverhampton 331 Colonial Gold

Scottish Central 92 Nouveau Ronde

South-eastern and Dover 621


London and South-western 851 Australian Agricultural 431 York, Newcastle, and Berwick... 751 Canada

York and North Midland

571 Crystal Palace



General Steam

East and West India

Peel River Land and Mineral .. 41 London St. Katherine 831 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam at 54 Victoria 111 South Australian 35

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 6th day of August 1854. 1580. DarAWIWENT•

Notes issued £28,593,700 Government Debt £11,015,150

Other securities 3,964,9t0

Gold Coin and Bullion 12,293,700

Silver Bullion




Proprietors' Capital £14,523,000 Government Securities.


Rest 3,429,748

eludir g Dead Weightlinnultg) £11,360.283

Public Deposits. 2,347,290 Other Securities 13,038,937 Other Deposits 10,609,668 Notes 0,291.235 Seven Day and othseBllla 1,026,359 Gold and Silver Coln 703,010

£31,998,362 £31,998,345

• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners ofNational Debt, Dividend Acot.

BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ,..,£a 17

9. Copper,British (lakes£126 0 0.. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold inCoin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 0 0 .. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 5 2 Lead, British Pig 22 10

23 5 0 Silver in Bars,Standard 0 5 11 Steel, Swedish Keg... 20 0 0 .. 21 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Aug. 11, Wheat,R.New 0 to 0 Fine 0- 0 Old 54-29 White 56 -62 Fine 84 -70 Super. New. 0- 0 Rye 0 to 0 Barley 31- 34 Malting 34-36 Malt, Ord 66 -70 Fine 70 -72 Peas. Hog 38 -45 Maple 42 to 47 White 48 -62 Boilers 0- 0 Beans, Ticks 42 -47 Old 46 -62

Indian Corn 35 -38

Oats, Feed Fine ..

Poland Pine Potato .... Fine 28 co 28 28-29 28 - 29 29 - 30 30 - 33 13-36 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Aug. 5.

Wheat-. 72.. 6d. Rye Ms. lef.

Wheat 44r. 84.


431. 5d.

Barley.... 36 7 Beans 48 5 Barley 32 9 Beans 47 4 Oats 30 2 Peas 45 9 Oats 29 11 Peas 41. 7 FLOUR. PROVISIONS.

Town made per sack 56s. to 63,. Seconds 45 20

nutter-Sest Fresh, 133 Od. per dos. Carlow, M. 121. to M. 148. per cwt

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 44 - 48 Bacon, Irish per cwt. 70,. to 764 Norfolk and Stockton 44 45 Cheese, Cheshire 58 - 70 American per barrel 30 32 Derby Plain 60 - 66 Canadian 30 38 Hams, York 74 - 84 Bread, 714. to Old. the 41b. loaf.

Eggs, French, per 120, Os. Od. to Os. CA,




Hann or CArrts AT 8.1.111/1ELD.

Beef 3 4 to 4 3 to 4 6 .... 3

2 to 4 1

to 6 5

Friday. Monday,

Mutton. 3 5- 4 0- 4

6 ..,. 4

0- 4 1 - 6 2

Beasts . 1,081 4,046 Veal .. 3 2 - 4 0 - 4 6 .... 3

4 - 4 -410

Sheep .13,350 31.740 Pork .. 3

8- 4 0- 4

8 ....

4 0- 4

- 4 8 Calves . 754 ..... 300 Lamb .. 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 2 .... 4 8 - 5 - 6 6 Pigs... 280 ..... 432 WOOL.

Down and ball-bred Hogs per lb. 10d. to 0 f.

Wether and Ewe 10 - 111 Leicester Hogget and Wether Ili - 0 Skin Combing 10 - 0

HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.) Oomaxanagn. BNITHPLILID, Wamensrn.

Hay, Good Inferior

New 100.. to 112r. 50s. to 92,. 925. to 103r. 75 - 90 0 - 0 60 - 90

60 - 90 60 - 60 0 - 0 119 -130 110 -112 110 -128

Clover 40 - 46 30 - 40 30 - 35 Wheat Straw


Tea, Soncbong, fine, per lb.. 1r. 2d. to 2. 8d. Congon, line 1 8 - 1 10 Pekoe, flowery 1 4 - 3 11

• In Bond-Duty lc 64. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) ewt. 62s 54. IP 651. 64 Good Ordinary 468.64. - 48.. 6d. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt... 20.. 811. West India *Awes 185.84. to 18. Cd.

• To sink the offal, per 8 lb.


Kent Pockets Choice ditto

Sussex ditto.

Farnham ditto Os. to Os.

O - 0 9 - 0 O - 0 OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. £2 2 6 Relined 2 4 0 Linseed 011 1 15 0 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 13 0 0 Candles, per dozen Os. Od. to Os. Od. Moulds, per dozen .. • 0s. Od. to Os. Oa. COOS, HettOn 231. Od.

Tees 23r. ed.