12 AUGUST 1876, Page 1

The Daily News has received full confirmation of its statements

as to the atrocities in Bulgaria, and on Tuesday night the state- ments of its correspondent, given in full elsewhere, were brought to the notice of the House. Mr. Disraeli did not venture to reply, but the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs read a letter from Mr. Baring admitting that 12,000 Bulgarians had pro- bably been put to death in a country at peace, and declared that the Premier had not treated the matter with levity, for I have been ordered to be in daily communication with him upon the subject," which is clearly proof positive that Mr. Dis- raeli did not joke. Her Majesty's Government would now take the matter into their most serious consideration. Lord Harting- ton thereupon delivered a speech of unexpected vigour, declaring the evidence complete, censuring Sir H. Elliot, and demanding interference ; and on Thursday Mr. Bourke admitted the whole ease. The Government had made representations "on the subject of the atrocious and cruel deeds which have been 'committed in Bulgaria," and have reason to believe they have ceased. A Consul, moreover, has been appointed to Philippopolis. What reason have the Government to believe they have ceased, except the statements of Turkish officials? Or what is the use of a Consul, when the Ambassador still minimises the stories as far as he can ?