12 AUGUST 1882, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Snti—In common, I dare say, with many others, I have of late devoted a good deal of time to the investigation of the phe- nomena known at present as " Thought-reading." As far, however, as my experience goes, it seems to me that the name, though not actually incorrect, is yet misleading, for the term " Thought-reading " certainly suggests an active, if not aggres- sive, faculty, where, as far as I can see, there is nothing but an enhanced receptivity. In all the experiments in which I have been engaged, those only have been successful in which I was conscious of exerting my will with great iforce and persistence to accomplish the desired object. In my view, this so-called " Thought-reading " is distinctly a branch of the magnetic phenomena and might loss delusively be called the science of Will-impressions.

It may interest some of your readers to hear that I have found that the "Willing Game " can be played without actual contact. Last night I made three experiments of this kind, all perfectly successful. Two were to find blindfolded an object previously hidden, which was accomplished by the sensitive without any difficulty, if I remained within about a foot of him. In the third, I sent him round the room, and by a mere effort of the will at a distance induced him to stop and take up the par- ticular object on which I had fixed in my mind.

I take it that it is easier to get a sensitive to do what you wish, than to see what you wish ; but both are moods of the mag- netic state, and come under the head of " Will-impressions."— I am, Sir, &a., New Athenceum Club, August 8th. A. EUBIILE-EVANS.