12 AUGUST 1911, Page 3

The Paris correspondent of the Times, in a message pub

Raked on Thursday, says that the conversations about Morocco have not yet led to any " basis" for an agreement. Germany has abandoned her original extravagant demand for the cession of the French Congo in exchange for Togoland and has substituted a proposal for the exchange of certain regions in the French Congo for certain regions in the German Cameroons. France, however, regards the latest demands as still excessive. The correspondent says that if there is no cause for pessimism there is certainly no room for optimism. France will oppose an absolute refusal to the suggested mutilation of one of her finest colonies. The chief hopes of an ultimate settlement are the fact that the French Government shows signs of willingness to go further than French opinion would like and the expectation that the German Government will not be guided by the preposterous advice of the Pan-Germans.