12 AUGUST 1916, Page 1

The way opens to part of that Italy that is

to be redeemed. Gorizia is a characteristically Italian city. The banner of Italy will go forward for liberty, unchecked let us hope, and " stream like the thunderstorm against the wind." The city was entered on Wednesday morning. The Austrians had evidently been to a considerable extent surprised, and did not command as much artillery as had been expected. The surprise was entirely to the credit of Italian generalship. Feints bad been made not only on the Trentino front but near Gorizia itself. We read of one powerful local attack after which the Italians deliberately sacrificed the considerable amount of ground they had won in order to deceive the enemy. We read of troops being moved to positions by day in the train, and brought back to their true attacking points in motor-cars by night. We also read of infantry advancing at one precarious place underground through a long carefully prepared tunnel, or rather dyke, and of the infantrymen carrying white discs on rods which showed above a slit in the dyke so that the Italian artillerists knew where they were. Evidently imagina- tion is exercised in the Italian High Command. Leaders who are not afraid of new and even unconventional devices inspire con- fidence.