12 AUGUST 1966, Page 14

Two-Way Mirror

SIR,—Does Mr Frost really believe that the Daily Mirror is one step ahead? Surely, if so, it would have campaigned for the Conservative party and not the Labour party at the general election last March. It was Mr Heath, not Mr Wilson or the Daily Mirror, who forewarned the nation of this present crisis, of the folly of the nine: five: one economy, of the need for the reform of trade union law, of the need to rationalise the distribution of aid from the welfare state, and, above all, to seek entry into the Common Market. Apart from the Common Market issue, the Daily Mirror dismissed the rest of Mr Heath's dictum as twaddle.

No, sir, Mr Frost's article shows more clearly than ever that the Daily Mirror thinks the Labour party can do no wrong and that it is fanatically behind them; bigoted to the extreme. My experience is that Daily Mirror readers can be divided into two groups, one who regard it as being easy to read, and the other, those who lap up its sexy approach. The political content of the paper is merely a blind—on this, however, give the paper credit, it is in line with the government it supports. Its big-stick language fits in very well for this role and shows it up for what AR! it is—out of touch and out of step with reality.

R. A. COLLIER 62 Marlborough Road, Stevenage, Herts.