12 DECEMBER 1835, Page 2

The Tory party in the Marylebone Vestry have failed in

an attempt to prevent the defence, by the parish:Solicitor, of the Assistant Vestry Clerk, and Mr. Davy the printer, on'the indictment for an alleged con- spiracy in reference to the Registration.

The Reformers of Hackney have just established a Reform Regis.. tration Society, to watch the registration of votes in the Liberal interest both for the borough of the Tower Hamlets and the county of Middlesex.

The Marylebone Radical Association have deputed Mr. Feargus O'Connor to visit the principal towns in England, and deliver lectures with a view to prepare the minds of the people for a thorough Reform of the Church and the House of Peers. Mr. O'Connor is to be at Manchester on Monday, and at Leeds on Wednesday next.

A very numerous meeting of the pawnbrokers of the Metropolis was held on Tuesday night, at Radley's New London Hotel, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, to take into consideration the remarks against that body of tradesmen made by Mr. Hume as Foreman of the Grand Jury, and Mr. Justice Park at the last Sessions, held at the Central Criminal Courts. The meeting, after investigating the different cases that drew forth these remarks, and strongly expressing their disgust at the nefarious practices of a few of their body, came to a resolution " That a deputation of the trade should wait on Mr. Hume and Mr. Justice Park to remove any prejudice that may exist in the minds of those gentlemen."