12 DECEMBER 1840, Page 14


Too liforning C/eron.Oh! calls the amnesty extended by the Spanish Government to the exiled Carlists "a boll an I generous act, which none but a Government confident of its st rensth weld(' ;dogma." The Chronicle ought to know : we suppose it draws this iteOrence from its eon Government not extendine ut, oemeety la the oepsozemet Chartists on the birth of the Princess Boyal. Such an tact of grim was scarcely to be looked for—the Whig Geeernineet cannot be " confident of its strength." But what have loomtne of the hints scattered some time ago by Whig parft;:in; ;Wont the likelihood that the happy event which we have elheleo might be made the plea for such an extension of royal ckeou ? What have become of them !—what has become of last year's HMV; ? The Edinburgh Whigs made a compact with the ('harti.-ts to include a meow- imndation of a modified aullooty in their address of congratulation to the Queen, but backed out of their bailed!), because—they could riot get their Own Chairman. The Glasgow Whigs got into a personal quarrel with the Chartists, and hooted down the bare mention of an amnesty.

There is, accidently, a short letter on our table written to a friend by the wife of one of the imprisoned Chartists, under an im- pression (a mistaken one at the time, though since realized) that he was about to be liberated : we cannot refrain from quoting it-

" I enclose a letter 1 have just received from my dear ---.. lle wished me to see you, but I fun afraid to leave home, lest he should come in my ab- sence—don't laugh at me."

We wish it were in our power to place this simple letter before the young Royal Mother, and tell her how gallantly yet unostenta- tiously the writer bore her sorrow, and how she rejoiced when her husband came back at last. We fbel assured it would prompt a generous act, which, but for a kind of cowardly vindictiveness among those who have been frightened by the Chartists, would have been suggested to her before now.