12 DECEMBER 1840, Page 17


&slims an "introduction," embracing a notice of the earlier part of his career, these volumes contain a variety of letters from PEPYS and his correspondents; a journal which he kept during his voyage to Tangier and his residence there ; another diary of a brief' journey in Spain, and an appendix illustrative of various matters alluded to in the text. The Reverend Jour SMITH, the decipherer from PEPYS'S short-hand manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, has added explanatory,. thot-nutes ;, which, no doubt, are better than nothing, though they do not exhibit any extraordinary reading or acumen, and sometimes from negligence or typographical errors display strange contradictions.

The Correspondence commences hi 160, and continues irregu- larly till PEPYS'S death in 1703. A good many of them relate to the official business of the Admiralty, or to the comtnon news of the day ; some are solicitations for fisvours, which PErvs's situation as Secretary and his influence with the King and the Duke of York (JvaEs the Second) might enable him to grant ; some refer to minor matters of literature and science, of very limited interest now, or indeed at any time ; a few give us an insight into PEPYS'S domestic life and personal character ; several, from the HounLyN fluidly, show that the education of all in the higher rank of the middle classes, even of the fehlales, was not so uncultivated as was supposed from report, and flout the specimens of some noble ladies that have come down to us. Some of the letters have a larger in- terest, either front their subjects or their intrinsic merit ; but the Correspondence would have appeared to much greater advantage and possessed a much more general attraction, had a good part of it been omitted, and well-skilled editorial care been applied its setting forth the remainder.

When mannscript De Doetrina Christiana was disco- vered in the State-Paper Office, and published by Bishop SUMNER, some doubts were thrown upon its authenticity. These are com- pletely set at rest by the Correspondence before us ; the whole cause and history of their final lodgment in the hands of Go- vernment being clearly traced out. This piece of literary his- tory is an episode in itself; not the least curious part of it being the slight mummer its which Emil:yin, one of' the celebrated print- ers, and SKINNER, the holder of the manuscripts, speak of the " said Milton," and the utter indifference of SKINNER as to what becomes of the writings, provided lie does not lose his promised place. Another MEW, second osdy to Miurox, also appears in the Correspondence ; whose letter we take as a curiosity, and for the sake of showing, in the answer to DavnEN, that PErvs possessed both point and elegance of style, when put upon his metal.

"John Dryden, Esq., to Ptiv. "1.1th July 1693. " Padron min--3 remember, last year, when I had the honour of dining with you, you were pleased to recommend to me the character of Chaucer's Good Parson. Any desire of yours is a comtnand to me, rind accordingly, I have put it into my English, with such additions mid alterations as 1 thought fit. " Having translated as many fables from Ovid, and as ninny novels from Demme, and tales from Chaucer, as will make an indifferent large volume in folio; I intend them fiw the press in .1E01 adman term next. In the mean time, my Parson ch-ire, the favour ot'beiag know n to you, and promises, if you find any fault in his character, he will reliant it. Whenever you please, lie shall wait on you; and, fur the safer conveyance, 1 will carry him in my pocket, who MD,

" My Padron's most obedient servant, JOHN Davro:N."

" For Samuel Pepys, Esq.,

at his house iii York Street, These."

Pqtys to John Drythn, Esq.

" Vriday , Idth Ju'y 1694. " Sir—You truly have obliged me; and possibly, in saying so, I not more in earnest than you can readily think, as verily hoping from this your cops' 01'0710 G1441 NMI!, to fancy some amends made the for the hourly offence 1 bear with front the sight of so ioaity hned originals. " I shall, with .great phasure, attend you on this occasion whenc'er permit it; unless you would have the kindness to double it to me, by suGriog my coach to wait on you (and whom you can gain me the same favour from) hither, to a cold chicken and a salad, any noun alter Sunday, as being just stepping into the air for two days. " lam, most respectfully, your honoured mid obedient servant, " 27th August 1675.

" Good Sir—I pray pardon me ; I em sorry I appeared so abruptly before you. I'll assure you, a paper of the same nature with the enclosed was left for you at the public office some ten days shire, as likewise for every one of the Com- missioners. But, Sir, 1 am heartily glad of the miscarriage, for now I have an opportunity to request a favour, by writing, that I could hardly have had confi- dence by word of mouth to have dune ; and in that 1 have much want of my friend Mr. —.

" Sir, a gentlewoman of my acquaintance told me she had it for a great cer- tainty, front the family of the Montagns, that as you were one night playing late upon some musical instrument, together with your friends, there suddenly appeared a human feminine shape and vanished, and after that

" Walking in the garden you espied the appearing person, demanded of her if, at such a time, she was not iu such a place. Sine answered no; but she dreamed sl;e was, ;old heard excellent music.

" Sir, saiist:letiort is to you my humble request. And if it lie so, it confirms the opinions of the ancient Romans concerning their genii, and confutes those of the .Saddue, es and Epicures [Epicureans.]

" Sir, your most humble servant, JonN GIBBON."

The editor of these volumes says, " Perhaps" this was " the AIr. Gibbon mentioned a Dec. 21, 1662; among a party at my Lord's lodgings." It map be so, though it is not of touch importance; but there is little doubt that he was the great-grand-uncle of the great historian, who has noticed at length in his own Memoirs the life and character of this relative.

The Tangier Diary was kept by PEPYS when Ile accompanied Lord DAnymourn's expedition in 1683, as a Commissioner for set- tling the claims of the inhabitants upon the Crown, previous to the final destruction and evacuation of the place. The notorious KIRKE was then Governor of Tangier, (where, according to HumE, he learned his vices and cruelty front the Moors): and as his bar- barities in the West of England, the doubts entertained of thei full extent, from the very atrocity of their character, and the us which has been made of him in some modern fictions, have attached a greater interest to his name than his mere historical magnitude would alone have created, we will let PEPYS display what be calls his " villanies" at large. We will begin with MRS. KIRKE.

here I first observed, outside the church, lizards stickling in the windows, to bask in the sun. At noon, we bad a great locust left on the table. This morning, in my chamber, was thin most extraordinary spider 1 ever saw, at least ten time as big as an ordinary spider. With such thihgs this country mightily almonds. But, above ail that was most rt.ruarkable litre, I met the t;overnor s lids in the pew ; a lily I have long reinarlteI for her leanly: hut she is mightily altered, and they tell stories on her ptrt, while her husband minds pleasure of the same kind on his. After sermon. I led her down to her chair. Asking her bow Tangier agreed with her Ladyship she told me well enough fur the little hub: she had to stay in it. By which I see she knows the mystery.


While at dinner, Alderman Roth came in a great fright and confusion for any Lord's protection against the soldiers, just now got into his house and cellar, aid had staved all his wine, not oMy good whi-e-wine. the Mlle that he himself drank in his own family, but canary and mtiseatella, to the value of above fifty pounds.

Pretty strange is the thought of outrages in breaking open cellars and staving wine, parti,.olariy this of Alderman Roth's, at noon-day. At a court-martial, called the next day to try some of them, nhody thirst come to prove it, and so the court onm-tial acquitted them.

Then caws from others stories of soldiers breaking into lionses last night, robbing them, beating lam*, and snatching off their hats in the streets. parti- cularly Constable Earlsinan's and Mr. Fist's, I think. our clerk. I advised my

Lord L DARTMOUTH) to inquire and punish it, olhenviSe the reproach will, ill

England, be laid on him. lie presently gave Du Pas an order to have a pro- clamation prepared and published, to make it death for a soldier to do any such thing ; which was accortlimfly done, and within halt an hour I met Du Pas coming by the church with au Italian merchant. gain_ to ins. Lord to dimplain of his being, :since this proclatnathm, abused in his goods in the same manner, and that he had secured two of tine men. On inhich 1 heard my Lord, on the Mole, speak vet ■ high to the Governor and other mlicers. declaring he would have a court •noartial to try these men, and punish either them or their officers, Kirke seeming not at all concerned for the riots, but rather excusing them.

In the following specimens of Runic, there occur traits of that diabolical and cold-blooded wantonness which appear in the story told of him in the West, that he promised " a young maiden " her brother's pardon if she would pass the night with hint, and the next morning showed her the youth hanging on a gallows. This tale has been doubted, but the evidence to character furnished by PEPYS is strongly corroborative of its truth.


This morning, Dr. Lawrence told Inc his own ease with the Governor, which shows Kirke a very brute. `hoes, also, to-day called me aside on the Mole, to tell me that Kirke owes 1,500f among the inhabitants of the town, n110 can get no money from him, but curses, and " Why do you trust me " Nur dare • This was the title he used to give his soldiers.

good quantity, wetting and drying it two or three times, laying it smooth. When dry, they sleek it with smooth shells, and roll it up, being fitted for use. Then, their patterns being drawn on paper, they prick them, and pounce them with charcoal.

" They have a root called chat., (the best comes from Persia, and is like our small licorice,) which they beat, and steep in water with allum. They have a small iron pen with a slit at the end, much like a butcher's skewer, with cotton yarn rolled within an inch of the drawing end, the bigness of a walnut, which they dip in liquor, squeezing it so gently between their three fingers and thumb, so running along the pounced work, where it turns black in a trice, no ink blacker, though looking like fair water.

" So, in like sort, they colour birds, beasts, flowers, fruit. When they have done one colour with these pens, they run it about the edges with hot wax,

that it may not mix with other colours. Then they boil the cloth to fetch out the wax. And every colour they lay on, they wax and boil till finished. They make great quantities of a sort which is not completed in eight or ten months' time ; so that the cloth is half worn when finished.

" Sir, I am your faithful humble servant, CHARLES WYLDE."

The superstition displayed in the following letter, from a rather remarkable person, though common enough in that age, was not participated in by Tierra, who almost quarrelled with Bishop KEN by denying the existence of spirits.

" ..Vr. Gibbon to Pepr.

they complain, for fear of his employing some or other to do them mischief; as, Sheres says, he bath done to two men that have been killed, as generally be- lieved, by his order. He caused a sergeant to he tied to a post, then beaten by himself as long as he could do it ; then by another; and all for bidding a ser- vant of his to go to his mistress, Mrs. Collier. To show how little he makes of drunkenness (though he will bent a fellow for baying a dirty face or band) I have s. en, as he has been walking with me in the street, a soldier reel on him as drunk as a dug, at this busy time too, when everybody not on guard is at work. lie bath only laughed at him, and cried, " The fellow bath got a vial morning's draught already !" and so let him go without one word of reprehension. My Loot does also tell me of nine hundred tithe musters (that, I think, was the number) in two thousand seven hundred men.

To show, after all, how good a soldier lie is, and how good discipline Ile keeps here, my Lord Dartmouth going the round, and I with him, to the Mole, this October 23d at night, my Lord tbund one officer of the guard drunk, below the church, and another asleep on his bed, below that, at the head of the Mole; and all of them, to give both words, the in and the outward, contrary to all order, and the reason of the thing, as toy Lord made me understand, the words being Edinburgh and Dublin. Du Pas tells me of Kirke's having banished the Jews, without, or rather contrary to, express orders from England, only because of their denying him, or standing in the way of his private profits. Ile made a poor Jew and his wife, that came out of Spain to avoid the Inquisition, he carried hack, swear- ing they should be burned ; and they were carried in to the Inquisition and burned. Ile says he bath certainly been told that Kirke used to receive money on both sides in cases of dilferettee in law, and lie that gave most should carry the cause. When the Recorder Mali sometimes told him such or such a thing was not according to the law of England, he bath said opeoly in court, But it was than according to the law of Tangier." * * *

While walking this morning up and down the INIole and town with my Lord and the Governor, Roberts, the town apothecary, came to Kirke and told him of bad wine now s filing to the soldiers at threepence or t lireehalfpence a quart, so sour that it would kill the men. Kirke moved my Lord, and he yielded that it shmald be strived. Of his own accord, Kirke went to see it done ; pre- sently came to us again, and brought in his hand a bottle of white wine, call- ing it vinegar, and gave it my Lord to taste, as also I and others did. 1 was troubled to see the owner, 3Ir. Cranhorow, a modest man that keeps a house of entertainment, come silently, with titys in his eyes, begging my Lord to excuse it, for the wine wa: good wine and sold so cheap only to get something for it, he not knowing how to send it away, anal therefore desided he might not he undone. Kirke, in sight of my Lord, all the while ranted, and called him dog; and that all the merchants in the town were rogues like him, that would poison the men. My Lord calmly bade the man dispose other- wise of what he lad, and not sell it to the soldiers. " Nay," says Kirke, "he must then gather it up from the ground, for I have staved it !" The man (whether he had any not staved, I know not) withdrew weeping, and without any complaint, to the making my heart ache. Captain Pursehl told me he knew very well the wine Kirke staved, and stood on the man's chest in the cellar when the wine about the room was too high for him to stand on the ground. The wine was better than my Lord Lath at his own table, or did give him and the rest of the officers the other day when he entertained them. He says, in short, the man bought it of Alderman Roth ; that it is as good wine as is usually drunk in this town, and the master was pm- viding for sending it out but that the man is undone, there being as much as Cost hint five hundred dollars ; and that all the good the Governor slid in it was, to make all Ida soltlicrs that could come thither drunk.

When the m u was gone, I whispered my Lord that I did not find the wine so sour as Kirke represented it, and my Lord concurred with me ; and the man being gone, said openly to Kirke, in the hearing of the company,

Now we are by ourselves, 1 must needs say, the wine is not so bad as you make it ; and I believe it is better than you give your soldiers at other times." To which he answered, it was not. 1 said, and I said truly, that I had drunk worse a hundred times in some of the best inland market-towns in England. Mr. Session, my Lord's servant, being by, and saying, among other things to the same purpose, Kirke swore he wished he might never drink better wine as long as he lived ; and other words very sharp. On whicli Mr. Session answered, he had often drunk worse ; and so have I.

" The gradual change of manners, though imperceptible in the process, appears great when different times are compared." What- ever grievances or ill-usage our present Colonies may suffer front, they are spared the open tyranny of a ruffian like this; nor would public opinion tolerate the promotion, scarcely permit the forma- tion, of such a character now. After all, the world is advancing. Besides some personal traits of Lord Dana-mourn and others ac- companying the expedition, the Diaries kept in Spain and Tangier contain many exposures of the then corrupt and mismanaged state of the navy. The system, still retained, of allowing a master and a captains to niers-of-war, had not long been introduced ; the object being to allow " gentlemen" to take the rank and profit of the command, whilst a "tarpaulin," as he was then called, that is, a regularly-trained sailor, was charged with the trouble and responsi-

bility of working the vessel. The system of allowing King's ships to carry freight, still permitted in regard to bullion, and still productive of evil, was then carried to an enormous extent ; the public business being altogether neglected whilst captains were waiting for freight, which when gotten was neglected in its turn, the vessel, instead of proceeding direct to the merchant's port, having sometimes to deviate on public offish's. They who would view the full workings of this system, as well as that of favouritism, must read Parrs : a quaint extract will give a notion of it.

" They speak mightily of evil consequences (to 'weal:Me. two or three consi- derable families) of Captain Ashby's late taking in Tierney from hence, on pro- mise of carrying it directly to Genoa; whereas he went, according to orders, to Lord Dartmouth, at Tangier, and there stayed attending the work of the Mole, as did other ships. The per-tons who put money on board valued themselves on the same, and drew hills on Genoa. The money not coming titnely to answer tittie occasions in some mart or fair there, the hills were protested, and the persons that drew them fiweed to bret.k and go ;may, "A more shameful evil Molt fallen out. Ashby, meeting Hobson coming from Italy, did, by arch r of Lord Dartmouth, take him back, in order also to do him kindrier. j1oh4011, having taken in silks and other goods at Leghorn, went into A lieInt. There, instead of bringing them to Cadiz, as he Mal under- taken, he put them iota the customhouse; the owners to pay new duties, amid get them thence as they earn. " Another, of late date, they talk of; Captain Wren's going to Lisbon with priests from 'rangier. Calling here, by leave of Lori Dartmouth, he gave out that he was to go right to England, through he knew he was to go hack to Tangier. On that lie he got a pretty deal of money put ott board. That done, he did his business at Lisbon, returned to Tangier, and stays to go home with my Lord and the fleet, to the infamy of the King's service and com-

manders." * * * •

" Another evil they have met with, of having monies taken out of their ships by order of their superior officers, as Herbert's out of Shovel's. Thereby the merchant loses the benefit of the insurance, in case of the second ship's mis- carriage."

The inquiring spirit of the age, the facilities of publication, and last though not least, the sums that have been paid by booksellers for contemporary documents of value, have set people groping in family-chests and public archives ; and many curious with some important discoveries have been the result. At the same time, there is danger of this speculation being overdone; and we shall then have a reaction, when the mind, satiated or disgusted with the trash or indifference of former ages, will refuse any longer to look at " Papers" or " Correspondence," or what other title the arts of booksellers may invent. The only means of avoiding this evil (for an evil it would be) is by judicious editing. Few entire collec- tions of family papers,even of a family of genius, have interest fbr the world at large; but they may contain many things which are worth publication, for the light they throw upon the manners of the age, the historical illustrations they may directly or indirectly furnish, or their own intrinsic merit. To separate these things from the mass of unimportant matter in which they are involved, is the first business of an editor; to bridge the chasms, ,as it were, and to connect the whole in an intelligible and continuous if not in a com- plete form, is the second ; his third duty is to accompany the text with notes explaining obscure allusions, and furnishing brief particulars of the individuals who figure in the pages. Of this labour, Lord Sitsrrimmo's Memoirs and Correspondenre of Gibbon may be instanced as one of the best specimens extant : Lord MAHON'S Ertrucis from the Correspondence of the Amourable Alexander ,S7aelope, lately published, is also a book where know- ledge and pains have been applied snider the guidance of judgment. We are sorry we cannot extend this praise to Mr. Winctra Had

he compressed his materials into one volume, it would have formed a pleasant and indispensable supplement to Lord IlitavintooKE's

Pepys's Memoirs : as it is, a good part of his publication is of slight interest, or of none at all, though still a book the library can scarcely be without.