12 DECEMBER 1840, Page 4


The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland arrived in Dublin on Wednessl 5! 1 from Liverpool.

The Carlow election closed on Friday, when Colonel Bruen was returned by a majority of 167 over his opponent, Mr. Ponsouby; the gross numbers being—for Bruen, 722, for Ponsonby, 555.

The Pilot attributes the loss of the Carlow election to the fact that the Whig, party actually refused the active aid which the Repeaters formally tendered to them." The Monitor denies authoritatively that there is " a particle of truth in this mischievous statement. The Re- peal question has made no way in Carlow county : the Catholic Bishop and a great majority of his clergy are opposed to it ; and it was never thought of to make Repeal, pro or eon., a topic of discussion during the election."

The National Trades Political Union met on Tuesday, evening, at the Adeiphi Theatre, Dublin, after an adjournment of six months. They passed a resolution declaratory of their determination to agitate for Repeal.

Two letters from Mr. O'Connell are published in the Dublin papers this week. One was read at the meeting of the Repeal .Association on Monday, in reference to the subject of Irish manufactures and Repeal : the second letter is to the electors of Mayo, on the approaching election. Mr. O'Connell announces that he is coming limit front his mountain retreat. His first letter, dated from Darrynane Abbey, begins- " My dear Ray, I am preparing to throw all my energies once more into the cause of Repeal. I tear myself reluctantly from these loved haunts. But the Session approaches, and every hour must now he employed in the advance- ment of the struggle for legislative independence."

He says he wishes the agitation in favour • of Irish manufactures to be kept distinct from the question of Repeal-

" We must take special care not to allow this most heart-stirring movement to be tarnished or injured by the admixture of sectarian or party :lard. We can and will combine—Orangemen, Protestants, Presbyterians, Disea,e:rs, and Catholics, one and all—in stimulating and sustaining this great wolk of uni- versal and national utility."

Mr. O'Connell, in this letter, expresses his compliance with a request from the Association to draw up an answer to Lord Cherlemont s de- claration against Repeal.

In his letter to the electors of Mayo, he urges them not to be deceived by the Liberal pretensions of Mr. Cavendish, from giving their support to Mr. Blake, who comes Ibrward as a Repealer-

" The reel candidates are Mr. Kirwan and Mr. Blake, The mockery, or rather the stalking-horse of the worst species of faction, is Mr. tavtunlidt. Ile comes forward—not to succeed, (hr of that lie has no ellame, het to pre- vent the success of a real Liberal, and to SYClIce, if possible, the succe.,s of your political enemy! No human being- can play a more Tirol game than Cavendish does by his present conduct. lie affects to be friendly to the ea:use cr the People; and, under that hypocritical pretence, he uses his only available ex- ertions to injure their cause. I say, his only available exertions, because his open and avowed hostility is not to he dreaded. " Mr. Kirwan is a frank and open enemy. Ile at once acknowledges his enmity to the' People of Ireland, especially' to the Catholics ; tent is, he avows himself to lie a Conservative, which every body knows is but a bower name for Orange- man. Ile canvasses the county on Orange principles; clie is hostile to the Queen's Government in Ireland; he would compel her to place her-elf and her royal infant in the hands of that fliction who insult and hate her, and hate her for nothing so much as for her benevolent wishes for the lung-oppressed iris!, People."

Ile concludes with an adjuration-

" Electors of Mayo! in the loved name of Ireland, I call on you to vote for Blake! In the sacred name of Liberty, I ask VOL! to vote for Blake! lu the glorious name of Repeal, I demand your votes tier Blake I Iii the awful name of Conscience and Religious Freedom, I require your votes for Blake ! Away, then, with tyrants and oppression—with bigots and hypocrites—with the mer- cenary and the skulking! Ilurrab for the honest and the free!"

The election commences on Wednesday next.

The Mayo Independent Cleb having called a special meetly of its members for Friday last, in order to pze•s a resolution of ('Npulsion against the Honourable Mr. Cavendish, that gentleman wrote a letter to the Secretary withdrawing his name from among the members.

Lord Oranmore having been desired by his tenants on the Casele- macgarrett estates to stale how he weuld wish them to vote at the kayo election, writes to them to this effect--

" The contest will probably be tint 4Yeell two gentlemen of the hest pos-ible private charaeter—one a Conservative, the other a Repealer. The is between two evils: I should choose the les,r—one number voting for llepeal (instead of our late lamented and honest Representative, who moo eow,ktently advocated that measure) will not do much harm ; one member voting 14 the Conservative party, whose evil policy for centuries makes the Ripen; question popular, may inflict a serious injury on Ireland In r storing them to pow, r. rherefure, 1 should be uentral, unless there appeared ■'arger that a Conserva- tive should succeed ; in which ease 1 should cute for the Repealer, to keep out the Coeservative."

A correspondence has been published in the Mayo papers respecting a hostile message sent by Mr. Robert Dillon lirowile, M.P., to the Honourable Air. Cavendish; which was declieed by the latter, on count of of certain monies due by Mr. Browne to Mr. Cavendish, and se- cured by bond. The hostile message was delivered to Sir. Cavendish by Mr. Blake, the present candidate for Mayo.

The Mayo anstitution mentions a report that Mr. R. Dillon Browne and Colonel Charles Fitzgerald had gone out to light a duel.