12 DECEMBER 1840, Page 4

The last link in the chain of railway communication between

the great seaports of Liverpool and 111111 will, it is stated, be completed on the 21st instant, by the opening throughout of the Manchester and Leeds Railway on that day.

The Coroner's inquest on the body of Black, the man who was killed on the Birmingham and Derby Railway by collision of the train of earrieges with a truck, was held on Friday and Saturday. It appeared that the men had been sent by the subcontractor with a letter to Tam- worth in the truck, contrary to express regulation. Though cautioned by the policemen on the line that a train would be shortly coining. they did not keep is sufficient look-out ; and when the train approached they had not time to remove the truck from the rails. The stoker of the engine had his leg broken, and another man was much bruised. The

engineer was thrown into a ditch, but was not hurt. The Jury returned a verdict of " Alanslanghter" against the two men with the truck, whose negligence caused the accident. Matson, the sub-contractor, was also committed for trial, for having sent the men with the truck on the rails in the dark, when no obstruction on the line was allowed. He was afterwards bailed.

An adjourned Coroner'sinquest was held at West Ham, Essex, on Thurs- day, on the body of a woman who was drowned the preceding Friday in the Thames, in consequence of a boat, in which she was with her husband, having been run down by the Vesper Gravesend steam-packet. The Jury returned a verdict of " Accidental Death," with a deodand of 100/. on the steam-packet. The woman's husband was also drowned, but Iris body has not been found.

A professional gentleman at Knaresborough, whose persecution of a late banker's daughter there outsteps Mr. Dunn's annoyances of Miss Burdett, has been committed to York Castle until he perfects recogni- zances to keep the peace, himself in 500/. and two sureties in 2.5111. each. This is his second appearance before the Magistrates for his conduct to the lady ; his former recognizance for 2001. having only just expired before his present reappearance.

A boy named Alexander Henry Owen, aged sixteen, was on Monday committed for trial, by the Magistrates of Brighton, on two extra- ordinary charges of forgery, committed by him jar the purpose qf per- fecting his education ! Ile was in the employ of a plumber, whose signa- ture lie forged to a check for 34/., which be received and went to Boulogne, where he put himself to school. When that fund was ex- hausted he returned, and presented another forged check, for 431.; which led to his apprehension.

At Hertfordshire Adjourned Sessions, a young man named Samuel Dunnage was convicted of stealing a turkey, on the evidence of identity afforded by the bones after the turkey had been boiled and eaten ! The bones of the thighs and wings were fitted to the drumsticks and pillions, which had been cut off and left behind by the thief. lie was seatenced to three months imprisonment.

'flue Leicester Chronicle mentions two attempts at murder on the highway between that town and Hinckley. The first is stated to have occurred on Saturday sennight. Mr. Oldacres, of Kirkby Mallory, a grazier, was fired at as he was returning home ; butt the shot did not take effect. The second case occurred on Monday night, when Mr. Burdett, also a grazier, was fired at, on his return from market, by a man who stood on the road and discharged a pistol at hint immediately after saying "Good night." Mr. Burdett was wounded,in the shoulder, where the ball lodged and fractured the hone. He rode off to his own house immediately. The man who fired stood after firing to see the effect of the shot. He has not yet been taken,

Three burglars were captured at Bury, Lancashire, on Saturday morn- ing, as they were in the act of plunderiag the house of Mr. Hauser, a rich manufacturer of that place. The three men had just been liber- ated from Lancaster Castle, where they had concerted their pains for robbing several individuals in Bury and the neighbourhood. The Po- lice having received information that the house of Mr. Hauser was to be attacked, the Superintendent, with two constables, went to the house on Friday night, to wait for the thieves. About one o'clock the robbers came, and effected an entrance very daringly. They lighted a candle

and went to the counting-house, the lock of which they picked. They got hold of the cash-box, and were about to go off with it, when the

Police-constables rushed upon them. After a severe struggle, in winch the Policemeu received severe blows, which rendered the contest for some tine doubtful, two of the men were secured ; the other one escaped. was afterwards traced to Manchester, and apprehended. They have been committed for trial.