12 DECEMBER 1840, Page 8


The Earl of Thanet has accepted the Lord-Lieutenancy of the county of Kent, vacant by the death of the Marquis Camden.

Tuesday's Gazette announces the appointment of Sir George Rose, Knight, to be one of the Masters of Chancery in the room of Lord IIenley, retired.

Lord Henley, we hear, is considerably worse in bodily health, having at last given way under his mental sufferings. Although no immediate danger is apprehended, his Lordship's condition causes great anxiety to the family connexions.—Morning Chronicle.

Lord Brougham has returned to town ; and, it is stated by his friends, in excellent health. Following the instructions of his medical ad- visers, his Lordship has been in the \Vest of England, refraining equally from exciting society and severe study. His Lordship, however, is ad- vised not to abandon in town those habits that were found to be so beneficial in the country.—Times.