12 DECEMBER 1863, Page 2

A gentleman residing at Alderley writes us a letter, for

which we have not room, defending the decree of the Postmaster-General about the directions of letters to Alderley Edge. He says the colony of villas springing AL., Ain the shoulder of the hill called Alderley Edge is in the township of Chorley, and has always bern called Chorley, notably in official proceedings. The in- habitants. who went there for r aloof the hill, determined to use thel name, greatly to the- -noyaice of the true Alderley, which*461 its letters constantly sent wrong. Lord Stanley of Alderley, moreover, has not ordered that letters shall not be directed g 'Alderley Edge," but that " Chorley"shall beadded. This statement would be conclusive if Alderley Edge and Alderley were the same name, but they are not, any more than Chesterton- is Chester. The " Edge " is as legible a distinction as any other, and if the

' inhabitants of the new colony like that name, why should they not retain it ? The complaints, however, having been made, we acquit Lord Stanley of acting arbitrarily.