12 DECEMBER 1891, Page 28

A Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By

the Abb6 Constant Fouard. Translated by George F. X. Griffith. 2 vols. (Longmans.)—This work preceded in point of time the work of Pere Didon, lately reviewed in this journal. Indeed, the preface bears date December, 1879. It comes commended by an introduc- tion from the pen of Cardinal Manning, and will, indeed, well repay study. In some respects we prefer it to Father Didon's work. It does not give, for instance, what we cannot but think the extrava- gant interpretation to those words from the Cross which com- mended Mary to the care of St. John. Father Didon holds that they associated the mother of the Saviour in his work of Redemption. On other points we see signs of a more sober judgment; Emmaus, for instance, is located where surely it must have been, between seven and eight, not nearly eighteen, miles from Jerusalem. The Abb6 Fouard's work is, in short, painstaking and learned. He has consulted many authorities, and writes a sober, instructive narrative. We cannot but think that he is in bondage to a theory of inspiration which is really untenable. He sees no difficulty, for instance, in reconciling the two accounts of the death of Judas, and of his disposal of the price of blood ; 'Etcri (retro x0wv is to be taken "in a metaphorical sense." Surely this would be intolerable in dealing with any other book.