12 DECEMBER 1925, Page 12

AlsT ANNOUIsTEMEN 1. 1 The following announcement appeared in the TIMES

of December 3rd := WE are informed that a change in the proprietorship of the Spectator took place in -the summer, when Mr. St..Loe Straehey disposed-of the control to_Mr. Evelyn Wrench, who has been adireetor of the paper for. some years and has-been managing director since Januarylst, and to his father, Mr. Frederick S. Wrench, for many years a Commissioner of the Irish Estates Conimission.- Mr. Philip Agnew has also taken a holding in the Company-, while Mr. Strachey retains. a substantial interest and will continue to .contribute regularly.

Mr. J. B. Atkins, who has been assistant editor of the Spectator for many years, and acted as editor during part of the War when Mr. Strachey was suffering. from. ill-health, haS been .appointed editor... There will be no change in the policy of the Spectator, which will continue to be independent in outlook.

- It is understood that the proprietors of the Spectator propose to follow the example of the Times in formu- lating a scheme for the purpose of safeguarding future transfers of the controlling shares-the object being to ensure, so far as is humanly . possible, that the ownership of -the Spectator shall" never be regarded as a mere matter of ebinmerce to betransferred, without regard to any further_ eireinstanceS; to' the highest bidder, or to fall, so far as can be foreseen, into unworthy hands.

Mr. Evelyn Wrench, after spending some years in journa- lism, founded the Over-Seas Club in 1910, and has, since devoted himself mainly to furthering its work. The. society was granted a Royal Charter in 1922 under the title of " The Over7Seas League," and has now :a membership of some 33,000 in all parts of the world. - He was also first chairman of the English-Speaking Union, and subsequently became honorary secretary, 'a position which he still holds. Mr. 'Atkins, having contributed to the Spectator since 1903, became an assistant editor in 1907, in succession to Mr. John Buchan. He was previously Landon editor of the Manchester Guardian.: He is the author of The Life'of Sir W. H. Russell, of the Times. The Spectator will Celebrate its centenary in 1928.