12 DECEMBER 1925, Page 38


The annual Report of the Commercial Bank of Scotland is a good one, for while in common with many of the banks south of the Tweed there is a slight-decrease in deposits, the general activities of the bank and earning power show steady progress. The dividend of the previous year of 16 per .cent. on the " A " shares and 10 per cent. on the " B " shares is maintained, while there arc the same allocations to Reserve and to Premises Account as a year ago, and an addition of £10,000 to the amount applied to Staff Funds, while the carry forward shows an increase of about £6,500. Including the amount of 150,000 applied this year to the Reserve, a feature of the accounts is that the Reserve Fund exceeds by the amount applied this year the entire paid-up capital of the bank. A further good feature in the balance sheet is the increase in loans and advances, showing that the bank is playing an important part in financing-commercial activities, while in the matter of liquidity, notwithstanding the slight -decline in the deposits, the holding of cash and money at call is materially higher than a year ago.

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