12 FEBRUARY 1842, Page 10

Intelligence has this morning been received of the arrival at

Barbados of the Tweed and Solway steam-ships, which left Southampton on the 15th December. The former arrived on the 4th January, and the latter thirty-six hours later, on the 6th. The voyage of the Solway had been delayed by bad stowage, and she was ten days in reaching Madeira, which she made on the 25th December, her run from that island to Barbados occupied twelve days. Much interest was attached in the Islands to the success of this experiment in steam-navigation. The passengers by both vessels are unanimous in their applause of the comfort and rapidity of the voyage.

By the same arrival, we have intelligence of a collision between her Majesty's ship of war the Charybdis and the rebel squadron at Car- thagena : the latter had the audacity to fire upon the British flag ; the compliment was returned with interest, and the Admiral Camano, with forty of his crew, killed. This is considered as having put an end to the rebellion.