12 FEBRUARY 1842, Page 8


The Dublin papers say that Dr. O'Brien, the Dean of Cork, is to be the new Irish Bishop.

His Excellency the Lord-Lieutenant has issued a Commission to inquire into the state and circumstances of all the public charities in Dublin receiving Parliamentary aid, and the sums voted for the main- tenance of which form a portion of the annual Estimates. At the head of this Commission is Mr. George Alexander Hamilton ; and associated with him are Mr. David Charles Latouehe and Mr. Barlow, the Chairman of the Board of Guardians of the North Union. It is scarcely necessary for us to say that the Commissioners are to be unpaid ; and equally so, that the duties will be ably and efficiently discharged —Evening Mail.

A correspondent of the Evening Post retorts upon those who complain of the proceedings at booth M during the election-

" What they (the Radicals) pronounced and swore to be wrong in M, they practised as fair and right in W. In that booth, when the Conservative electors flocked to the poll, the first morning of the election, at half-past ten o'clock, a person placed there as agent for Lord hlorpeth commenced putting the bribery and qualification oaths, not alone to our electors, but to these who came up on his Lordship's tallies, in order to impede and delay. An elector, for instance, came up on his Lordship's side, and handed his certificate to his Lordship's agent, who then called out the name and residence of the voter, denying that he had the certificate, which was seen by hundreds of spectators, and thereby leave the Sheriff's Deputy and the Conservative agent to wade through 900 names to find out the voter's affidavit, a proceeding which generally took up five minutes per man."