12 FEBRUARY 1853, Page 1

Milan has once more become the scene of an outbreak,

appa- rently designed to raise the whole of Italy against her despotic rulers, and thence to draw the whole of Europe into an insurrec- tion. The accounts are so incoherent as to be unintelligible. The insurrection broke out on the 6th ; two days later, the' French Minister at Turin announces it, accompanying the announcement with the addition that it had been suppressed. Bui still we are kept in the dark about the sequel; which is strange if the city has really been tranquillized. Proclamations by Mazzini and Kossuth have been posted on the walls,—Mazzini's calling upon the Italians to initiate the insurrection of European peoples ; Kossuth's calling upon the Hungarian soldiers in Italy to join in the insurrection, and promising large rewards by the redistribution of property if Hungary be freed from her present bondage. Mazzini is taking a personal part : he is known to have been in the Swiss canton of Ticino; and he appears to pass the Austrians with a facility to be explained only by great coolness in his own bearing and great fidelity amongst his adherents. The degree of response given to the new appeal is not known; some reports, such as that of a rising in Calabria, are evidently at the least premature, since they anticipate the means of communication. On the other hand, from the known sympathies of the two states, the Genoese are ex- pwted to move if the Milanese should be able to hold out. We have as yet no advices from Rome, T.4 short, it doe* net appear on the face of the account whether this outbreak ie only an ittrr studied and premature riot,_ or whether it is the revolt against which the Austrians have been long preparing. In either case, it is but a tangible memento that there has been no real settlement of the revolutionized countries after the so-called pacification of 1848-9. Those countries have been held in military possession, by a grasp far more tyrannical and sanguinary than that of any revolutionary government ; and the Imperial powers, who held their influence to be higher than law and more sacred than hu- manity, are now reaping the fruits of their arrogant policy.