12 FEBRUARY 1859, Page 5


The Convocation of the Prelates and Clergy of the Province of York met on the 4th, and, as usual, was instantly prorogued until August next. The Reverend Mr. Dodd vainly endeavoured to obtain a hearing for a petition from Mr. Hoare, the London banker. The Honourable and Re- verend Frederick Grey insisted upon reading a petition from a large body of the clergy praying that the powers of the Convocation might no longer be kept in abeyance. Mr. Grey also protested against the prorogation as illegal and unconstitutional.

• The election for Banbury, rendered necessary by the retirement of Mr. Tancred, took place on Wednesday. Originally there were four candi- dates, of whom three were liberals, Mr. Samuelson, Mr. Sergeant Pigott, and Mr. Midi, and one Conservative, Mr. Hardy, who appeared in con- sequence of the clissensions among the Liberals. Mr. Sergeant Pigott retired in the hope of securing unity miring the Liberals. Mr. Miall, al- though the least favoured, persisted upon contesting the seat. The result was that Mr. Hardy was nearly victorious. The nomination took place on Tuesday ; it was a scene of uproar, but the show of hands was declared to be in favour of Mr. Samuelson. The other two candidates demanded a poll. This took place on Wednesday. The strength of Mr. Miall's sup- porters was soon exhausted, and Mr. Midi quitted the town. Finally, the Mayor declared the poll ; Mr. Samuelson, 177; Mr. Hardy, 176; Mr. Mall, 118. Thus Mr. Samuelson, by one vote only, excluded a Conservative from representing a clearly Liberal constituency. Mr. Samuelson is a local iron-founder.

Greenwich, which has lost one representative in Mr. John Townsend, will now lose General Codrington. At a meeting of his supporters on Saturday General Codrin' gton informed them that he had accepted a com- mand abroad—he did not say where—that it would be vacant in April, and that he should then resign.

Baron Meyer de Rothschild is a candidate for Hythe in the room of Sir John Ramsden who will resign the seat in order that he may stand for the West Riding of Yorkshire. The Baron is a Liberal. Another candidate, also a Liberal, is Mr. Wilde, Q.C.

The Lewes Magistrates have committed a boy of seventeen to take his trial for bigamy. He married one girl on the 5th, and a second on the 27th December.

The Prince Patrick, a handsome steamer plying between Fleetwood and Belfast, was run into by an iron schooner, about thirteen miles from Fleet- wood. The schooner instantly filled and went down, only four men escap- ing to the Prince Patrick.