12 FEBRUARY 1859, Page 6

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fratar.—The French Chambers were opened on Monday with the usual state ceremonies at the Tuileries. The only novel incident was the appearance of the Princess Clotilde, who entered the salle with the Empress. The anxiously-expected speech of the Emperor was delivered by him in the following terms-

" Messieurs lea Senateurs, Messieurs lea Deputes—France, as you are aware, has, during the last six years, seen her welfare augment, her riches increase, her internal dissensions die out, her influence rise, and yet at in- tervals, in the midst of calm and of general prosperity, there arises a vague uneasiness, a subdued agitation, which, without any well-defined cause, seizes upon certain minds and shakes public confidence. "I deplore these periodical discouragements, without being surprised at them.

"In a society shattered like ours by so many revolutions, time alone can consolidate convictions, give new vigour to character, and create political faith.

"The emotion which has just displayed itself without any appearance of imminent danger may justly cause surprise, for it gives evidence both of too much distrust and of too much fear.

"On the one hand, a doubt seems to have arisen of the moderation of which I have given so many proofs, and, on the other, of the real power of France.

"Happily the great mass of the people is far from sharing such impres- sions. Today it is my duty to explain to you what seems to have been for- gotten. "What has been constantly my policy ? To reassure Europe, to restore to France her true rank, to cement strongly our alliance with England, and to regulate with the Continental Powers of Europe the degree of my friend- ship, in conformity with our views and with the character of their conduct towards France.

"It was thus that, on the eve of my third election, I made at Bordeaux the declaration, The Empire is peace,' wishing thereby to prove that if the heir of the Emperor Napoleon ascended the throne he would not renew an ana of conquests, but that he would inaugurate a system of peace which could not be disturbed unless for the defence of great national interests. "As regards the alliance of France and England, I have thrown all my perseverance into its consolidation, and I have found on the other side of the Channel a happy reciprocity of sentiments on the part of the Queen of Great Britain, as well as on the part of statesmen of every party. Also, to attain this end, so useful to the peace of the world, I have put under foot on every occasion the irritating recollections of the past, the attacks of ca- lumny, and even the national prejudices of my country. "This alliance has borne its fruits : not only we have together acquired a lasting glory in the East, but even at the extremity of the world we have just thrown open an immense empire to the progress of civilization and of the Christian religion. "Since the conclusion of peace my relations with the Emperor of Russia have assumed a character of the most frank cordiality, because we have been in accordance on all points under dispute. "I have equally to congratulate myself on my relations with Prussia, which have not ceased to be animated by a mutual goodwill. "The Cabinet of Vienna and mine, on the contrary—I say it with regret —have often been at variance on most important questions, and a great spirit of conciliation has been necessary to come to .a solution of them. I bus, for example, the reconstruction of the Danubian Principalities has only been able to be brought about after numerous difficulties which have proved injurious to the full satisfaction of their most legitimate desires ; and if I were asked what interest France has in those distant countries, watered by the Danube, I would reply that the interest of France exists wherever there is a cause just and civilizing, which should prevail. "In this state of things there is nothing extraordinary that France should draw still more closely to Piedmont, who proved herself so devoted during war, so faithful to our policy during peace. "The happy union of my well-beloved cousin the Prince Napoleon with the daughter of King Victor Emmanuel is not one of those unaccustomed facts for which it is necessary to seek some hidden reason, but the natural consequence of the community of interests of the two countries and of the friendship of the two Sovereigns.

"For some time past the state of Italy and its abnormal situation, in which order can only be maintained by foreign troops, give a just cause for anxiety to diplomacy: This is, however, not a sufficient motive for a belief

in war. Some may invoke it without le limate reason ; others, in their exaggerated fears, may choose to show to France the grounds of a new coa- lition. I shall remain firm in the path of right, justice, and of national honour ; and my Government will not allow itself to be either led away or intimidated, because my policy will never be either provocative or pusilla- nimous. Far be then from us those false alarms—those unjust suspicions— those internal weaknesses. Peace, I hope, will not be disturbed. Resume then, calmly, the usual course of your labours. I have explained frankly to you the state of our foreign relations ; and this explanation, conformably to all I have endeavoured to make known, for two months past, at home as abroad, will prove to you, I believe, that they have not for one instant ceased to be at the same time firm but conciliatory. "I count, therefore, with confidence on your aid, as on the support of the nation which has confided its destinies to me.

"It knows that never a personal interest or a pitiful ambition will guide my actions. "When supported by the desires, the feelings of a nation, we ascend the steps of a throne, we rise by the most weighty responsibilities above the lower regions, where vulgar interests are in dispute, and we have as first motives, as for ultimate judges, our God, our Conscience, and Posterity."

The Sacie says that the points which particularly excited the applause of the senators and deputies, were—the remark "that the interest of

France exists wherever there is a just and civilising cause to be carried out," the allusions to the Piedmontese alliance, and the paragraph on Italy. The observation that France and Russia had "been in accord on all points in discussion" excited, according to our contemporary, a marked sensation in the assembly. The Deputies assembled on Tuesday for business, when Count de Morny delivered an address in which, setting aside home topics as inappropriate at a moment when all were still moved by what they had heard in the Tuileries the day before, he exhorted them to have faith in the Emperor, to trust in diplomacy, and the power of opinion.

"Let us hope that under existing circumstances, the generous ideas, the loyal and disinterested intentions of the Emperor, will make their way in the world, and that being adopted by the sympathy of peoples, and sup- ported by the credit of sovereigns, they will succeed in bringing about a pacific solution of all difficult questions. Whatever the future may reserve for us, let us act as we have done in the past. Let us take counsel only of our patriotism. Let us draw closer and closer to the throne. Defections end mistrust never save any country or any individual. Our resolute sup- port to the Emperor will add weight to his negotiations, as, in ease of need, at would give him greater strength to conquer."

One piece of intelligence, which was made public almost contempo- raneously with these speeches, was this. "A private telegram from Algiers, dated the 6th of February, mentions a proclamation issued by General M'Mahon, in which he announces that the Division Lenaud has been recalled to France, and concludes with the following words—' Depart, depart, soldiers ; be brave, disciplined, and steadfast.'" Then we have the announcement that the 23d and 90th Regiments of the Line and 8th Chasseurs were to commence embarking on the 7th for Marseilles, and the 41st and 56th Regiments were to embark the follow- ing week.

The Morning Post correspondent at Paris believes that "the Emperor has decided on a revision of the French tariff with a view of extending the commercial relations of the empire. His Majesty, perhaps, believes that free trade principles may be gradually introduced into France to the immense benefit of the million."

On di; that the reception of the Princess Clotilde by the Parisians, on her entry into Paris, was ehilling in the extreme.

11111.—The bill authorizing the Sardinian Government to contract a loan of 2,000,0001. has passed the Sardinian Chamber by a majority of 116 to 35. Signor Lanza stated, in eloquent terms, the reasons that led the Government to take this step, and Count Cavour further expounded that policy. His speech is thus summarized by the telegraph- " Our consistent policy has been at all times national and never of a revo-

lutionary character. Austria has lately taken a menacing attitude towards us. It liSa increased its military forces at Piacenza. It has collected very large forces at our frontiers. Therefore, the necessity arises for us to look for means for the defence of the State. The English alliance has always been the constant care of our whole political life. We have always considered England as the impregnable asylum of liberty. The cries of suffering coming from Bologna and Naples arrive still at the borders of the Thames but the tears and groans of Milan are intercepted by the Alps and the Austrians; but the cause of liberty, of justice, and of civilization, triumphs always. As regards England, Lord Derby will not tarnish his glory in making him- self an accomplice of those who wish to condemn the Italians to eternal servitude. Ourpolicy is not defiant ; we will not excite to war ; neither will we lower our voice when Austria arms herself and threatens us."

Count Cavour has also explained to foreign Courts the views of his Croverrunent in the following circular. "Turin, February 4.

"The government of the King has asked the sanction of Parliament to the contracting a loan of 50,0001000 lire, designed to meet the exigency of events that might come to pass in Italy, and the nature and extent of which it is yet impossible to foresee.

"As this measure which prudence has suggested to us, may give rise to unjust comment I s. have thought fit clearly to represent to you the idea

that has dictated it, in order to enable you to rectify any inaccuracies of judg- ment on the part of politicians and of the organs of public opinion in the country where you reside. Three years will soon have expired since the Ring's government, while calling the attention of Europe, by the organ of its plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Paris to the grievous state of Italy, protested against the extension of Austrian influence in the Peninsula be- yond the stipulations of the treaties, and announced that if a check were not put to it., the result might be serious dangers for the peace and tran- quillity of the world. The representations of Sardinia were favourably re- ceived by France and England and were reproduced in some sort in a so- lemn manner in the congress itself. Italy then conceived hopes, and men's minds seemed to calm down. But the hopes to which this manifestation of interest on the part of the Western Powers gave birth have little by little been dissipated. The state of Italy has undergone no modification. The preponderating influence which Austria there exercises beyond the limits that treaties have assigned to her, and which constitutes a perpetual menance to Sardinia, has rather augmented than diminished.

" On the other hand, the different states of the Peninsula have persisted in a system of government, the result of which could but be the discontent- ing of the population and a provocation to disorder.

" Notwithstanding that the dangers wherewith Sardinia was menaced in consequence of such a state of things had become more serious and more im- mnient, the conduct of the King's Government has always been regulated I by a spirit of propriety and reserve which men of good faith cannot ranee to reeo ze.

his Majesty's Government proudly repelled the pretensions of Aus- tria, which demanded modifications in the institutions of the country, it did not assume a hostile attitude towards her,. when the Cabinet of Vienna thought proper to seize a pretext, judged futile by almost all the statesmen of Europe, to break off with éclat diplomatic relations with Sardinia.

" Sardinia limited her course of action to reminding, from time to time those Governments with which she entertains friendly relations, of the sad predictions which facts daily verified, and to invoking their solicitude for the condition of the peninsula.

"She has never concealed the apprehensions and the sympathy inspired in her by the state of the greater part of the Italian provinces. But when she has deemed it her duty to manifest them publicly, she has done it with as much moderation as propriety. By her example, by her conduct in the last war and in the congress of Paris, by the manifestation of her interest and commiseration towards the Italian populations, Sardinia has striven to bring back hope' patience and calm in the midst of despair, impatience, and agitation. She has abstained, with the greatest care, from playing a part in any degree irritating, and if public right has been infringed, it is cer- tainly not Sardinia that can be accused of the least infraction of existing treaties.

"This spirit of moderation, of which all the acts of the king's govern- ment have hitherto borne the stamp, has been appreciated by all impartial men and by public opinion in Europe. "But now the extraordinary military measures which the cabinet of Vienna has just taken, and which are evidently directed against Sardinia, whose armaments are relatively very weak, force the king's government, without abondoning that reserve, to prepare itself against a danger which may become imminent. Those measures arc known to Europe. I think it right, nevertheless, rapidly to recapitulate them.

"In the first days of January, before the king had pronounced the open- ing speech of the new legislative session, the Vienna cabinet announced in its official journal the sending of a corps Warm,. of 30,000 men into Italy. This corps, added to three others which are established there in a permanent manner, would increase the strength of the Austrian army to an extent very disproportionate with what the maintenance of order and of internal

franc' 'illy could require. "At the same time that these troops were sent into Lombardy and Venetia with extraordinary rapidity, frontier battalions, which leave their country only in case of war, were known to arrive. The garrisons of Bologna and Ancona were reinforced. But, what is most serious, Austria concentrated considerable forces on our frontier ; she collected between the Adda and the Ticino, and especially between Cremona, Piacenza, and Pavia, a real corps of operations, which certainly could not be destined to maintain order in these towns, which are of quite secondary importance. "For some days the bank of the Ticino presented the appearance of a country in which war is about to break out.

"The villages were occupied by detached corps—everywhere quarters were prepared and measures were taken to form stores. Vedettes were placed even on the bridge of Buffalora which marks the limits of the two countries. I say nothing of the menacing discourse held publicly at Milan and in other towns by the greater part of the Austrian officers, without excepting those of eminent rank, for I know that one must not always render governments responsible for the language of their agents. " But I think it necessary to call attention to the reception given at Ve- nice to the troops coming from Vienna, and to the ostentation with which vast preparations have been made at Piacenza by occupying forts which were constructed in defiance of treaties, and which the Austrians have ap- peared to neglect for some time past. In presence of arrangements so menacing to us, the country has been much agitated. Confiding in the patriotism of the king and of his govern- ment, it remains calm ; but it demands that thought should be given to put- ting it in a position to confront the eventualities, of which such a display of forces on the part of Austria may be taken as a forerunner. "It is to this end that the ministry resolved to summon into Piedmont the garrisons established in Sardinia and beyond the Alps, and has asked the chambers for authority to contract a loan. "This last request, which I expect will be adopted, while proving to the nation that gm government has the consciousness of what the security and honour of the country impose upon it, will maintain tranquillity in the public mind, and will permit us calmly to await future eventualities.

"I hope you will have no difficulty in convincing the political persons with whom you are in relation that the measure above indicated with an exclusively defensive object, far from containing a menace for the tran- quillity of Europe, will have for result to calm the agitation in Italy and to reassure men's minds by giving birth to the feeling of confidence that Pied- mont, strong in her good right, and aided by the allies which the jus- tice of her cause can alone procure her, is ready to combat every element of disorder in the Peninsula, from whatever quarter it may come ; from Aus- tria or from the revolution.

"I charge you to hold this same language to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and, begging you to keep me informed of the judgments which shall be passed on the measures in question, I offer you, &c.,

(Signed) C. Covens." The Invalids Busse of the 27th January says- " The journals devoted to Austria pretend that, in case of need, Prussia and Germany will defend that Power, and sing the old song of the defence of the Rhine upon the Po. But Prussia has no motive for mixing herself up in Austro-Italian affairs, and if she rests tranquil, the greater part of Germany will follow her example. These journals assert also, that the pos- session of the Lombardo-Venetian kingdom is guaranteed to Austria by treaties. These treaties are by no means menaced, but Austria has irritated all Europe by the desire she manifests to violate those treaties every time that her interest prompts. It may cost her dear if she persists in dere- guiding the representations of the Powers."

The Austrian Gazette says that Austria will defend herself.

"As long as dishonourable requirements are not made of us, peace is

possible, and will be maintained. If they ask us that which right and equity permit us to grant, we shall have peace, but we shall energetically repel any other demand. We shall defend ourselves as we can. We are not without the means—Austria takes her precautions, and only the irra- tional or evil-disposed can blame her. We are standing in serried ranks, waiting events. If they leave us alone we shall remain in our quarters. If they make outrageous propositions to us, we shall reject them. If they attack us, we shall prove that the soldiers of Leipsic and Novara are not yet extinct." General Niel was expected in Turin as a resident, whether with or without a diplomatic position seems uncertain.

From Turin we learn that officers who have retired from the army have asked permission to return to active service in case of war. The official military Gazette recalls leave given to officers as well as soldiers. In the Piedmentese Army as many as 106 Sergeants have recently been promoted within a few days to be officers. The Piedmontese papers mention the continual arrival of deserters from the Austrian Army in Lombardy. The brother of Felice Orsini had arrived in Turin from America to enrol himself in the Piedmontese Army. The Orsini as well as the Ga- ribaldi are therefore prepared to take their part with Piedmont by the side of France.

A sign of the degree to which party has been rebuked by the spirit of union amongst Italians is given in a new journal L'Italia, established by Republican editors in Piedmont, Broffeno conspicuous amongst them. The prospectus renounces Republican principles and proclaims the sole object to be the independence of Italy. It is remarked by the Gazette del Popolo that the Austro-clerical papers in Piedmont which attacked England, now loudly exult because they believe her to be hostile to Piedmont. "But," says the same journal "we are certain that that free and illustrious nation will not de- sire to sustain Croat tyranny against liberty. The Piccolo Corriere d'Italia gives the official figures of the imposts paid by Lombardy. During the last five years they have steadily risen from 87,410,000 livres in 1854, to 94,800,000 in 1858. Other imposts such as the tax for exemption from military service would add 7,000,000 more to this last figure besides such burdens as the billeting of soldiers which are of course very heavy. The Italian papers mention a matrimonial project which has not yet been noticed in our own journals. It is rumoured that arrangements are in progress for a marriage between the House of Savoy and a Russian Princess. Some say the King, some say the Prince of Carignani is to be the bridegroom. The latest report is, that it lathe King who is to marry the eldest daughter of the Emperor Nicholas widow of the Prince of Leuchten- berg, a lady about thirty-nine or forty years of age, or with her daughter a young lady of seventeen. The Piccolo Corriere asserts very positively, that a military convention has been concluded between Austria, Parma, Modena, Tuscany, Rome, and Naples. It is observed that Mantua, which was rather retrograde in the revolution of 1848, is now filled with Italian enthusiasm provoked by the constant arrival of troops.

The Duke of Modena, however, is said to be at present averse to Austrian intervention, and he is heard talking of concessions.

The Ulik of Lucca announces that the tunnel of the railway of Serra- milli was attivato by which Florence, Lucca, and Pisa, are put in direct communication through Pistoja.

The Ever° notices that a patriotic programme has been spread by thousands upon thousands among the Tuscan troops—the diffusion suffi- ciently proving that the soldiers themselves assisted its circulation. The soldiers have lately shown great indignation at the report that they were to be placed under Austrian command. The Grand Duke himself is said to have wavered before Austria and France, the potent influence of the Minister Baldassaroni inclining him to the latter alliance.

The reports from Rome and the Legations mention the arrival of Austrian reinforcements.

A message, received from Bari, announces that the King of Naples has again fallen ill. His Majesty is suffering from an attack of pleurisy, which had been imperfectly cured. He will return to Caserta. The following is said to be the correct version of a little incident that occurred a few nights ago at Milan, and which illustrates the feeling of both parties there. The chorus in Norma of " Guerra ! guerra!" was enthusiastically applauded by the audience at the theatre of La Scala. When there was a lull in the plaudits, the Austrian officers, who gene- rally muster in great force at the theatre, and among whom on that night was Gyulai himself, gave unmistakeable signs of their adhesion to the warlike sentiment. "Si, Signori, Guerra! guerra!" some of them said, and they loudly applauded in their turn.

13t1155111.—A letter from Berlin of the 4th instant, announces the following changes in the Prussian Corps Diplomatique. Prussia will now be represented abroad as follows—

Frankfort, M. d'Usedom ; Vienna, M. de Werther ; Paris, Count Pour- tales ; St. Petersburg, M. de Bismark-Sehcenhausen ; Constantinople, Count Goltz ; Brussels, Count Redern; Munich, Prince Lcewenstein ; Dresden, M. de Savigny; Carlsruhe, Count Flemming; Lisbon, M. de Rosenberg ; Darmstadt, M. Jules de Canitz, now Charge d'Affaires at Lis- bon; Athens, M. George de Wertheni, now First Secretary of Legation at St. Petersburg ; Berne, M. de Kamptz ; Cassel, M. de Sydow; Hamburg, M. de Richtofen.

The Envoys at Athens and Darmstadt are to be Ministers resident; at Lisbon the rank is Charge d'Affaires. The First Secretaries of Legation at Paris, 'Vienna, St. Petersburg, and Constantinople have still to be ap- pointed.

S Int i H.—Some further particulars respecting the proceedings of the Ionian Assembly have come to hand. Signor Dandolo was the leader of the armexationists. The galleries cheered his speeches, and carried him off in triumph. In the evening there was an illumination of the town and "the Temple of the Seven Islands," that is the House of Assembly. The Resolutions adopted arc already in the hands of our readers—union with Greece was their burden. Yet all the deputies hastened to attend Mr. Gladstone's levee on the 28th January. That same day Mr. Glad- stone sent them a message, in which he pointed out that the Assembly had exceeded the bounds of the constitution in proclaiming the will of the people for union with Greece. "The Assembly has also, through inadvertence, deviated in another point from the constitution. It has elected a committee for the purpose of sub- Mitring to the Assembly the further measures connected with the proclama- tion aforesaid. The one and only legal method of expressing the desires of the Assembly is by a petition, memorial, or representation,' in conformity with the Constitutional Charter, chap. 7, see. 7, art. 8. By immediately limiting the powers of the committee, and by declaring it competent only to suggest and draw up such petition, memorial, or representation,' the As- sembly will be in the path of legality." This message produced a chilling effect, followed by a stormy debate, and the adoption of the course prescribed. The Nord has published the memorial to the Queen passed by the Assembly. The language is mode- rate, but the desire of the Iontraus is not the less firmly expressed. They say the protectorate was established to preserve a small state at a time when there was no Greek kingdom. On the erection of a Greek king- dom, the reason that dictated the protectorate vanished; and the Ionians naturally desired union with Greece. "The representatives of the Seven Islands hope that Divine Providence, which once armed England in favour of the Hellemc nation, will again in- spire your Majesty, so that, by your powerful assistance, the Ionian people may obtain the restoration of its nationality; the bonds of invariable sym- pathy which will then arise from deep gratitude will for ever bind the hearts of the Hellenic nation to the throne of your Majesty." The British Government has refused to grant the prayer of the peti- tion. Mr. Gladstone has presented to the Assembly a message, indi- cating a project of reform, comprising seventeen points.

Struis.—The solemn entry of Prince Milosch and Prince Michael into the town, amidst the rejoicings of the populace, has taken place. The Senate and the Ministers, abolished by the Skuptschina, were not allowed to take part in the reception.

At the sitting of the Skuptschina on the 9th, the bend of investiture of Prince Milosch was read. It states that the Prince is elected by the Sultan as Hospodar, but makes no mention of any hereditary right. The Skuptschina protested energetically against it as a violation of po- pular rights.

3111111111-1338 tar i a.—Alexander John Couza was elected Hospodar of Moldavia, by the Moldavian Assembly. On the 5th, the 1Vallachian Assembly elected the same gentleman as Wallachian Hospodar. All forms were observed. He is Hospodar for life.

S Ail a.—The fuller despatches from Bombay make clearer much that was obscure in the telegraphic despatches. The latest date from Bom- bay is January 10th; the dates from Oude come down to the end of De- cember.

The British forces in Gude had succeeded in cooping up the rebels to the north of the Gogra, and in reducing the recusant talookdars to three —the Rajah of Gonda, who fights because he is fond of it ; Bainie Madho, who holds his faith plighted to the son of the Begum, and Nur- put Singh. The Begum had made overtures if a fixed annuity were granted her and her son, she would surrender. Nana Sahib had fled further, but the police were hot upon his scent and planning schemes for his capture by treachery. The progress of disarmament had gone on pretty briskly. The arms of all kinds surrendered by the 11th December amounted to 316,679; among these were muskets, shields, spears, bows, swords, in thousands. The forts demolished amounted to 328, above a fourth of the number estimated to exist in Gude.

The military movements have been marked with success. Lord Clyde moved to Buraech on the 17th December. By this time Colonel Row. croft had moved towards Toolesepore, Sir Hope Grant to Bulrampore on the Raptee ; a force remained at Gonda, another at Baree on the Doab, and another at Seetapore. From Buraech Lord Clyde sent Colonel Christie across the Surjoo, with instructions to move up its right bank, and a second column was sent up the left bank. At Buraech Lord Clyde halted five days. His reasons were twofold. The lesser to allow time for his rear and flanking columns to make movements corresponding to his own; the greater to allow the rebels an opportunity Of coming in, and to give time for the working of the stratagems invented to obtain the betrayal of Nana Sahib. The sanguine hopes of his advisers in these matters were not fulfilled, and accordingly he moved out of Buraech on the 22d December. The rebels fled before him, and he gained Nanparah without opposition. Some miles beyond it, however, the rebels waited his onset and fought a short combat on the 26th. In this action Lord Clyde's horse fell, when galloping through broken ground, and flung the chief. He rose instantly, but his shoulder was dislocated. By medical aid it was instantly replaced. Lord Clyde was so much shaken that he could not mount his horse, and General Mansfield led the pursuit. The next day, leading the way in a doolie, Lord Clyde assailed the rebels in a fort called Mujidiah, and drove them out of it. In the mean time Colonel Christie had cleared the country as far as Mutheyra on the Sur*, and Brigadier Roweroft had driven the fighting Rajah of Gonda from Toolsepore to Combacote. The troops were on the fringe of the Terrai into which the rebels were reluctantly flying.

The adventures of Tantia Topee and Feroze Shah had not come to an end ; and the two worthies had at length effected one of their objects— they had formed a junction of their dilapidated forces. Both had for some weeks apparently manceuvered, so far as our columns would let them to effect that junction. Feroze Shah, as our readers know, went westward after his defeat at Runnode. At Rajghur, Brigadier Smith coming from Seronge crossed his path, and inflicted a defeat upon him; while Captain William Rice of the 26th Bombay Infantry, an officer who had won some renown as a tiger shooter, and who had been wounded in the advance of Sir Hugh Rose from Calpee, leading a small force from Goons, followed a body of fugitives into the jungle and was only prevented by the ground from surprising them at their bivouac fires. Feroze Shah, with a few hundred horsemen, rode away towards Tonk, crossing the Chumbul near Indurghur. In the meantime Tantia Topee, frustrated in his sup- posed design upon Odeypore was compelled to run towards Feroze Shah by a circuitous route. Starling from Saloomber he made for Pertaub- ghur. Major Roche, who had been watching for him, reached Pertaub- ghur first. A combat ensued, but the fire of our guns frightened Tantia away, and he fled losing men. His next point was Mundisore. Here he was again checked. Colonel Benson had come up from Indere, and Tantia Topee rushed away again losing men and elephants. As he had no guns he could move through the most difficult country, and thus he distanced Benson, crossed the Chumbul, and marched to Zeerapore in Holkar's dominions. But there Colonel Benson, by a forced march, came up with him once more, killed more men, and took more elephants, but the rebel got away. Colonel Somerset next got on his track, and marching diagonally upon his line of retreat, by forced marches, caught him at Burred or Bursode, about fifty miles north east of Kotah. Colonel Somerset, however, could only bring about 300 men into the field, and therefore could only facilitate the retreat of the enemy, by driving him onwards. And so it proved. Tantia Tepee made for the Chumbul again, crossed it, and joined Feroze Shah somewhere in the Jeypore country. The whole of these operations were performed at racing speed, between the 20th and 30th December.

General Whitlock had effectually disposed of the rebels, who led by Radha Govind, had invested Kirwee in the Banda country. Before he came up a small force "lent by the Ranee of Chatterpore," had enabled Mr. Power, magistrate, to relieve the small garrison. The rebels had no guns.

It is in North Berar that the Rohlllas have been temporarily success- ful. In the Nizam's country they have been dealt with by Brigadier lEilL

There had been a religious riot at Tinnevelly. Some Brahmins had turned out to prevent the passage of a Christian funeral procession in front of the great pagoda of Tinnevelly. The riot grew alarming, and three companies of Sepoys were marched in from Palmaheetta. They were ordered to fire ; they obeyed ; and thirty-nine persons were killed. It seems that the prejudices of the Brahmins have been hitherto "consulted" in Tinnevelly, and the passage of Christian funerals before temples has been prohibited.

The murderer of Captain Hare had been caught, brought into Ellich- pore, and blown away from a gun.

The Proclamation announcing the Queen's assumption of the Govern- ment of India was read with much state and solemnity on the 4th De- cember at Katmandu in Nepaul in full Durbar. On the 7th the troops were paraded, 13,500 strong with 100 guns. The substance of the pro- clamation was reported to them and the whole force saluted" the Queen of England." Then the Line ired a feu de joie, ten rounds to each man ; and the guns fired a thousand rounds, made up of ten to each gun.

initralia.—The Roman Catholics of Sydney have been offended of late by the return to the colony, unsanctioned, of their bill to establish a Catholic College in connexion with the University of Sydney. In this bill the phrases " Archbishop " and "Archdiocese" of Sydney were used, and the Bishop remonstrated against them, not by petition to the Assem- bly, but by letter to the Governor, and privately by communicating with the high ecclesiastical authorities at home. Lord Stanley sympathised with the objection, and sent the bill back to be amended. Resolutions have been several times brought forward in the Assembly by the Catholic party, strongly condemnatory of Lord Stanley's conduct, but they have been invariably met by a count out.

;faith tutrs.—The Niagara arrived at Liverpool on Monday, with advices from Boston to the 27th January.

The Report of the majority of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the bill for the appropriation of 30,000,000 of dollars for the purchase of Cuba, is published in the papers, and forms the most interesting portion of the intelligence.

"It is not considered necessary by the committee to enlarge upon the vast importance of the acquisition of Cuba. Its ultimate acquisition may be con- sidered a fixed purpose of the United States—a purpose resulting from poli- tical and geographical necessities, which have been recognized by all parties and Administrations, and in regard to which the popular voice has been ex- pressed unanimously. The purchase and annexation of Louisiana led, as a necessary corollary, to Flornia, and both point with unerring certainty to Cuba. What the possession of the mouth of the Mississippi was to the West Cuba would become to the nation. Our leading statesmen have endeavoured with steadiness and perseverance to hasten the consummation. [Here are quoted the opinions of Jefferson, Adams, Clay, and Van Buren, and of Mr. Buchanan in his despatch to Mr. Sanders, of Mr. Everett in his letter to Count Sartiges, and of Mr. Marcy in his despatch to Mr. Soule.] From these authorities it was manifest that the ultimate acquisition of Cuba has long been regarded as not only desirable, but inevitable. The only differ- ence is the time, mode, and conditions of obtaining it. The growth of our national existence is a law we cannot disobey. While we should not un- duly stimulate it, we should be careful not to impose upon ourselves a regi- men so strict as to prevent its healthy development. England, France, and Russia are all expanding by the same law of progression, but their growth is the absorption of weaker Powers, while ours is the result of geographical position, higher civilization, and greater aptitude for government. We have neither the right nor disposition to find fault with them. Let England pur- sue her annexation in India; France in Africa, or on the Rhine ; let Russia subdue barbarous Asia ; and we shall look on their progress, if not with favour, at least with indifference. We claim on this hemisphere the same privilege. We repeat that it is but a question of time. The fruit that was not ripe in John:Quincy Adams's day is now mature, and the question is, Shall it be plucked by a friendly hand, prepared to compensate its proprietor with a princely guenion, or shall it fall to the ground ? As Spain cannot long maintain her grasp upon it, there are but three alternatives. First—The possession of Cuba by one of the great European Powers ; which is incom- patible with our own safety, and must consequently be resisted. Second— The independence of the island, which would result in a protectorate more or less disguised. If under ours, annexation would follow ; if under Euro- pean, civil and servile war would ensue. Thirdly—Annexation. And the questiOn is, how is this to be done ? The answer is, by conquest or negotia- tion. Conquest, even without the hostile interference of other Powers than Spain, would be expensive, and with such interference would involve the whole civilized world in war. Purchase, then, is the only practicable course ; but that cannot be attempted with success unless the President be clothed with the powers to negotiate and pay, as he has suggested in his Message. Much has been said of the danger of confiding such powers to the Executive, but we have three examples in Louisiana, Florida, and Mexico. Much has also been said of the indelicacy of the offer—that it would wound the Spanish pride and be rejected with contempt. For 'lieu years has our desire to make the purchase been known to the world. We simply say to Spain, You have a distant possession, held by a precarious tenure, which is almost indispensable to us for the protection of our com- merce, and which may, from its peculiar geographical position, character, population, and mode in which it is governed, lead at anytime to a rupture which both nations would deprecate. This possession yields you a net re- venue not amounting, on an average series of years, to one-hundredth part of the price we offer you for it. True, you have refused to sell hitherto ; but circumstances are changing daily, and our offer may now be more ac- ceptable than in 1848. Should war break out in Europe, Spain can scarcely hope to escape being involved in it, and the Cubans may seize the oppor- tunity to proclaim their independence. Further, our Minister will not broach the subject of purchase till he has reason to believe it will be favour- ably entertained. Spain is a country of coups d'état and pronunciatnientos —the Minister of today may be a fugitive tomorrow. With the forms of a responsible Government Spain is a despotism sustained by the bayonet. Her financial condition is one of extreme embarrassment, and a crisis may arise when the dynasty may be overthrown unless a large sum of ready money can be raised forthwith." The President says we would not if we could acquire Cuba except by honourable negotiation, and he will not depart from such a course unless circumstances which he does not anticipate render the departure justifiable under the imperative and overruling law of self-preservation. He tells us it may be necessary to renew negotiations and make an advance without awaiting the ratification by the Senate. This, in point of fact, is an appeal to Congress for an ex- pression of its opinion on the propriety of renewing the negotiation. Should we fail to give him the means, he will consider it an intimation that we do not desire the acquisition of the island. The report then goes on to say that if, as has been said, the Cubancse do not desire a transfer, it would be a very !serious objection to the measure ; but the Cubans would be less than men if they were contented with their lot, and the committee have the best authority for asserting that nearly the entire native population of Cuba desire annexation. The report then proceeds at considerable length to discuss the bearing of annexation on the slave trade, urging that that illegal traffic is now confined to Cuba and Porto Rico, and that Spain could have suppressed it as completely as Brazil has done, but has not done so. Therefore, those who desire to extirpate the slave trade may find in their sympathy for the African an incentive to support this bill.' Then, turning round, the report proceeds to relieiT the mind of Southern gentlemen of their apprehension of peril to their institution from the different elements which Cuban society is made of, further adding that the annexation would increase the comforts of the slaves. Next, the circumlocution of Ilispano- Cuban diplomacy is referred to and condemned. Statistics are cited to show the value of the island, especially as it would give us the monopoly of sugar ; and, finally, purchase is recommended now as a measure of economy, before the price is raised. Since the reference of the Bill to the committee the President has announced that no correspondence has been exchanged, and he takes occasion to repeat that any negotiation should receive the prior sanction of Congress. This emphatic reiteration throws upon Congress the responsibility of failure, if it be withheld. Indeed, the inference is suffi- ciently clear that without some expression of opinion by Congress the President will not feel Justified in renewing the negotiations." Mr. Seward, representing the minority of the committee, introduced a bill requiring the President, at the commencement of the next session of Congress to present a statement of the relation then existing between that country and Spain, and also requiring a statement of the condition of the Treasury, and the effective force of the army and navy to enable Congress to judge as to the necessity of adopting extraordinary measures to maintain the rights and interests of the United States in regard to Spain. Mr. Seward thought the proposition to buy Cuba now unwise and ridiculous, and characterized its purchase as much of a necessity as that offered by the auction woman in the play, who thought that it aught "come so handy."

A Member of the House of Representatives has introduced a resolution. providing in a similar manner for the acquisition of Canada by " honour- able treaty" from the British Government. The resolution seta forth the various natural advantages of the British possessions, the benefits which the United States would reap from their acquisition, the dangers attend- ant on their tenure by a foreign power, &c. &c. Captain Maury and one or two of the leading Filibusters wrecked on board the Susan had been held to bail at Mobile on a charge of infring- ing the neutrality laws.