12 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 3

Within the past couple of years the Labour Party here

has been discovering the Empire, and it would be well to help the Party enthusiastically to follow up the discovery. It was a mystery that Labour was so slow in becoming aware of the real significance of the Empire. It preferred to associate the Empire with a vulgar aggressiveness and to regard schemes of emigration as putting a mark of disgrace on a man such as used to be implied in the phrase " gone for a soldier." One would have thought that the 4 Labour Party, before all other parties, would have been proud of the Empire. For it was men who worked with their hands, men who went adventuring into the wild and distant parts of the earth, men who had nothing to lose but their lives, who built up those great democracies that are now called Dominions. However, a change is coming over the scene and it is full of promise for what officials dryly call " the state of employment."

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