12 JANUARY 1833, Page 1

Pozzo DI BORGO has been dining with1, 4 ord PALMERtSTON, anti- -

conferring with Earl GREY. The subject2f these 'conferences is as much a secret as ever. We observe that•LOrd BROUGHAM, on arriving post from Westmorland, went straight to PoZzci.;" think- - lug, no doubt, that the superior sagacity of it England'S master- mind" would be able to penetrate the folds of diplomatic deoeit in which the old Russo-Corsican is said to veil the reel designs. of - his Master. ' The Duke of WELLINGTON was so 'uifortuitttteas to miss this much-sdiight-after-Pozzo, who had left town te dine with the King at Brighton : however, we die informed that the Duke left his card. - Earl GREY and the Earl of '1"ciftnittvii.La ate going to give grand dinner-parties, to which the Lion Of the 'day_• F is _invited. In short, nothing will go .doivif at COurt or in the country, among the fashionables or the statesmen; MIL POZ•zo nr


Without pretending to know what is the real object of Pozzo. DI BORGO'R "visit 'to Enkiand, now that he is 'here, we trust that. he will be required to give some explanation of the extraordinary conduct of the Russian Admiral in the Mediterranean. The con- duct of the Russian Government ;with respect .to. Greece ;has been uniformly of one description, treielterous- and-eruel in the ex- • treme. If the statements in the following paragraph,: frOni the - Globe, are correct, the same old game is to be pleyed or again in that quarter-77._ .


" Strange accounts have reached us of the conduct of Admiral Tticord, Com- mander of the Russian squadron in the Mediterranean.. :While Vigrand, Ger- many, and France are earnestly employed in establishinn a settled qeverninent in Greece—while Prince Otbo was expected daily to -arrive in that Country-fqr the purpose of restoring order and 'shhorilinationit appears that ilielltitgih Add:oral has been.tampering•with,some:Members 0' the Greek Senate, cad ha'. actually aided and abetted theni Afteir "settes3inn fthatt theetinernOn! cause el - their country. Ten unworthy members_of thnt body, with the_asslstatweofthe Russian Admiral; hate withdrawngietnielfg teinr the 'seat of Goternineut,. hoisted the standard of-in..ervciioeragainst tack countrymen,. and offered-to 'the - Russian Admiral himself thectiaaft of Pt'eS:id6nt of Greece. We are glad, Mir.: ever, to learn that the aceredited • didit of the Czar disapproves loudly 'of tile. , part taken by his naval officer; add we theiefore trust trat.the.COndilet:of' the latter will be disavowed rand disapprofecicat St. Peterstfitrg„;jhgrizan b.e.eo." hope of seeing any settled GOvernment established in that.,"equntay -till lae,iis disgraced, readied, and punished- as . he deserves for his treachery and *pre-;

sumption." •