12 JANUARY 1833, Page 10


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years an& - Quarters ended 5th Jan. 1832 and 5th Jan. 18:33 ; show;ng the Increase or Decrease on each head thereof.

Years ended Stir Jan.

1832. 1823. Increase. Decrease.

Income and Charge. on theConeolidated Fund, in the Qua ters ended 5th Jan. 16112 and 181133.

Quarters ended Jan. 5.

1822. 1833. Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Tost-o Ince Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue Imprest and other Monies, inn eluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Wof ks Total Income.... . X 13,2211.715 15,559,882 223,167 14,330,875 14,657,221 326,346 6,547,475 6,513,344 4,864342 4,493,885 70.5•13 1,391,006 1,323,00 81,598 59,853 43,059,185 320,151 42,823,170 Deduct Decrease Increase on the Year ... 546,169

1832. 1823. I I nerretse. Deciease. Quarters ended 51.1t Jan.

42,552,011 281,159 43,3;9,239 629,056 38,995 68,051 121,882 32,131 68,006 21,745 121,882 121,882 Customs Excise Stamps Taxes NM-office Miscellaneous.

Total Ordinary Revenue... Imprest and other Monies, in- cluding Repayments of Ad- vances for Public Works ....

Total Income.... 3,528.723 3,887.306 4,263,574 3,966,483 1,618,770 1,575,055 1,981,262 1,008.82.5 328,000 338,000 21,207 3! 789 X 356,583


• • 42,815 • 78,439


12,522 • • 1,22,105 420,340 8,762

300,86i 420,340





11,743,526 11,703,301 75,609 83,7;1 11.818,545 11,789,072 1Deduel Increase Decrease on the Quarter


Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Post -office Miscellaneous

.g 3517,151 4465,574 1.618,770 1,9:41,462

328,000 38.344 P,7•5,50.7 3,966.488 ' 11-15.955 1202,823 218,000 49,133 11,749,101 10,607,906 Tontine Money - To CPSil br011ght to .this. Account to replace the like Sum issued, or to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund in Ireland for Surlily and calm. Services. To Cash brought to this Account atm the Civil List, Sup- plies, 84a 508,794 74.161 236,144 • .


Permanent Debt Terminable Annnities Interest on Exchequer Bills issued to meet the Charge,on the Consolidated Find Sinking Fund Civil eist Other Cba:ges on the Consolidated Fund, including Civil Govennnent Services, formerly pail out of the Civil List, or the Hereditary Revenues of the Crown Total Charge Surplus

Exchequer Bills issued to inset the Charge on the Consoli dated-Fuu't for the Quarter ended, and -paid off out of the growing produce of that Fund for the Quarter ended 10th

Oct. 1832 Amount issuel in the Quarter ended 5th Jan. 1833, in part of the Sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fund, for Supply Services The Surplus of tbe Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th Jan. 1833 The probable Amount of Exchequer Bills required to meet the charge on the Consolidated Fund, Quarter ended 5th Jan. 1833 Ag 7,845,573 420,577 12,668 -.


395.777 ag 7,826,449 428,833 6,965 116,847 127,500 333,405 8,802.095 8,840,000 3,529,961 2,004,050 12,332,056 10,844,050

3,500,108 • 3,511,352

2,004,050 1,507,302 12,332,056 10.344,050 Quarters ended Jan. 5.

1832. 1833.
