12 JANUARY 1839, Page 6


At the meeting of time Glasgow Climber of Commerce, on the 2e1 instent, the follo■ving resolutions were agreed to. " l'hat it be recom- mended to the Directors of the Chamber to petition both Houses of Parliament for the alteration or the abolition of tlw Corn-laws, in re- spect of their unequal, unjust, and injurious operation, and also ruinous not only- to the commercial and manufficturing interests of the country, but to the prosperity of the mass of the population of the empire ;" and " That it be recommended to the Directors to print all the resolu- tions and petitions to Parliament of the Cite oilier since 17'83 regarding the Corn-laws, and circulate amongst the monl. era ; and that every member have access to the records."—Glusges. Chnatirle.

At a Meeting of the Directors of the 'Edinburgh Chamber of Corn- nurse, on the 1st insant, a motion was carried, by a majority of 16 to 3, appointing a committee to prepere a memorial to the Lords of the '.I'reasury, and a petition to Parliament, to be submitted to a future meeting of the Chamber, praying for the abolition of the Corn-laws.

The Perth Constitutional, in giving an account of the dinner to Mr. Poe Mettle, said— .4. Caine's II. Stewart gave' Tilc health of Mrs. node.' The compliment was aeknowited bv Mr. Mettle ; who conchoh d his speech with that of

The Fair :11aids of Perth,' in return. Both gentlemen seasoned their pre- fattioy matter with a vonsiderable modicum of double entendre, amounting to Slant ; which seemed to tickle the Reverend Mr. Massie exceedingly."

Letters in the Perthshire Adrertiser from Mr. Mettle and Captain Stewart deny in the most positive terms that either were guilty of the slightest indelicacy in proposing or acknowledging Mrs. Maule's het; lt