12 JANUARY 1895, Page 1


ACCORDING to a telegram from Shanghai, published by the Times and the Central News, Lord Rosebery has interfered in the Far East with a very strong hand. The Government has directed Admiral Fremantle, who now com- mands in Chinese waters, to prevent the Japanese fleet from entering the Yangtse--that is, in fact, from threatening Nankin—and has authorised him, if necessary, to employ force in carrying out his instructions. A " friendly " intima- tion of this grave decision has been given to the Japanese, and their fleet has consequently for some time remained inactive. The Session is now so near that we must wait an explanation of this policy ; but on the present evidence, we doubt its wisdom. It will hardly prevent anarchy in China if Pekin falls, and it is not our business to protect the Manchu dynasty. There is evidently a cataclysm of some sort coming in Eastern Asia, and Europe, we think, will do well to stand aloof until it comprehends the meaning of the new movement. We do not trust the Japanese, but the crust of ages is cracking under their fierce blows, and the ultimate result may be good, in spite of the terrible miseries involved. The massacre of Port Arthur has, however, almost paralysed all defenders of Japan.