12 JANUARY 1918, Page 1

Mr. Lloyd George, addressing the delegates of the Trade Unions

at Westminster last Saturday, defined anew the War Aims of Great Britain, so that all citizens might understand clearly what we are fighting for. The Prime Minister explained that he had consulted Mr. Asquith and Lord Grey of Fallodon and the leaders of the Labour Party, and certain representatives of the Dominions, in order that he might express the views of the nation and the Empire as a whole. He said first of all that we were not fighting for the destruction or disruption of Germany or the German people. We went to war in self-defence, and in defence of the treaties broken by Germany. Nor were we fighting to destroy Austria-Hungary, or to deprive Turkey of Constantinople, Thrace, and the Turkish lands of Asia Minor. It was for Germany to say whether she would abolish her military autocracy, which was a dangerous anachronism. But it would be easier for us to make a broad democratic peace with a democratic Germany.