12 JANUARY 1918, Page 1

We have written so fully elsewhere on the general question

of Peace Aims, that we need not do more here than summarize briefly the principal points in Mr. Wilson's fine Message. He demand id open diplomacy ; the abolition of all economic barriers ; the freedom of the seas in war and peace outside territorial waters ; the reduction of armaments ; the impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, the interests of the peoples having equal weight with the equitable claims of the Governments ; the evacuation and restora- tion of Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Rumania, and Mon- tenegro ; the righting of the wrong done to Alsace-Lorraine in 1871; a rearrangement of the Balkans, giving Serbia an outlet to the sea ; the opening of the Dardanelles; autonomy for the Poles, with access to the sea ; and a League of Nations. He stipulated that only the Turkish parts of Turkey should remain under the Sultan. For the rest, the Message was remarkable for the great consideration and sympathy with which the President Spoke of Russia in her present situation.