[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I appeal, through your columns, for further subscriptions to the London Fever Hospital to enable it to carry on its essential work ? It is the only voluntary fever hospital in London or its neighbourhood. It ministers to the aid of those classes of the community who do not wish
to throw themselves on the charity of the rates, but wlio cannot afford the full expense of an infectious illness, or be efficiently isolated in their own homes. Its patients are derived mainly from English and foreign visitors to hotels, officers and their families, Civil Servants and the professional classes generally, clerks, employees in business houses, and nurses and doctors from other hospitals.
The London Fever Hospital admits cases of any infectious fever, other than smallpox, e.g., scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, chicken pox, influenza, cerebro-spinal fever, etc. It has 28 private rooms and ward accommodation (mainly for scarlet fever and diphtheria) for rather over 150 beds.
The ward fees are seven shillings a day for adults and five shillings for children. The charge for private rooms varies from six to ten guineas. The hospital is within easy motor drive from all parts of London and its suburbs. Doctors who send in patients are at all times welcome to come and see them. Under certain necessary restrictions, relatives are allowed to visit patients, though they are not recommended to do so.
There are two resident medical officers, and all the appli- ances of the hospital are at hand in any case of emergency. I can testify to the value of the hospital from personal experience. Between forty and fifty years ago I went there as a patient, and, like a good many other ex-patients, joined the committee.
Subject to accommodation being available, subscribers of a guinea a year, after the first year, may send a servant into the wards free of charge in cases of scarlet fever or diph- theria. Subscribers of two guineas and upwards may send in to the wards any one member of their household, and, if a private room is required, get a deduction of one-third of the price. This is a valuable form of insurance.
Any information that may be required concerning the hospital can be obtained from "the Secretary, London Fever Hospital, Liverpool Road, Islington, N."—I am, Sir, &c.,
Ardgowan, 78 Hill Road, Wimbledon.
[We cannot as a rule open our correspondence columns to appeals of this nature, but the character of Sir Mackenzie Chalmers' letter obliges us to make an exception. The Fever Hospital is, in fact, a first-class nursing home for the worst forms of infectious disease. It also pro- vides for the wants of the class which is most in need of help--the professional class. Again, it does a really noble and much-needed work in nursing tired and suffering nurses back to health and vigour. The London Fever Hospital may be said indeed to specialize in answering the eternal question, "Quis custodiet cusMdes?" As a rule the medical profession is apt to be careless of its auxiliaries as well as of itself. Not so the Institution on behalf of which Sir Mackenzie Chalmers appeals. Finally we most sincerely hope that a large number of people will be induced to insure themselves and their families against the dangers to which they are unquestionably exposed. The thunder-bolt of a sudden infection may fall on any household at any time. When it does, what a comfort to feel that one has a call on a room or h bed where one will be nursed under ideal con- ditions by doctors and nurses who specialize in keeping down the demon of contagion.—En. Spectator.]