12 JULY 1845, Page 10

goreign anti Colonial.

FRANCE.—The Chamber of Deputies have closed their labours; but the session will be prolonged for a few days, to enable the Chamber of Peers to conclude its legislative duties. The Members of the popular assembly are already leaving Paris: a.dipiematist sent to Rome on a special mission, has succeeded in obtaining an edict for -the suppreeeion of the Jesuit order in France. The order possessed twenty-two thriving educational establishments in that country, which will be closed; asid.the Jesaits will-join the ranks, of the ordinary clergy.

Our private correspondence from. Pans furnishes na with a -piece of news which will be received with the utmost satisfaction by the Marseilles merchants. A Ministerial order has been issued whereby goodi may be shipped on board those Government steamers which ply between Alexandria and Marseilles direct. Every thing leads us to think that the same authorization will not- be long in being extended to. the entire packet-service in the Levant.—Sed, (Marseilles.) Aloaocco.—Reports. have reached town, this week, that the. Emperor of Morocco had at. last ratified tlee treaty with Franca But the Gibraltar journals announce the presence of a Trench naval squadron before Tangier, consisting of the Cygne, the Veloce, and.the Titan, with General Delarue on beard the last- mentioned vessel; the objectof this flotilla-being supposed to be, merely to give effect to the demands of the General,on the Emperor of Morocco.

NEW aszarrio.The master of the ship hfid Lothian, which arrived off the Lintrd Point, from Sydney, New South Wales, on Monday, has transmitted the

following report to the-pa " On the .2d April, in lat. 3548 S., long. 177 56 • E., spoke the Mare', New Bedford, whaler; which reported having seen, three 'days previous, her Majesty's ship. North-Star, working into the Bay of Islands. Alio reported, that the Natives there and the crew of her Majesty's ship Hazard and the British troops have had an encounter, and that the flag-staff had. been pulled down,. and the town of Kororarika burnt. About 100 of the Natives had been killed and.wounded,, and about eighteen or twenty of the Eng- lish. The commander of the Hazard was badly wounded. The British xesidents had all left for Auckland. Quietness had been restored."