12 JULY 1851, Page 2

The latest arrivals from North America intimate that a great

State Convention in Pennsylvania has nominated General Scott as the ig candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Webster's friends, Ahow no inclination to withdraw him. General Scott's AA**, assumed a position in relation to the Slavery on that in tes a hope or wish to conciliate the Abolition- s nr " Mr. Webster, it is understood, will throw

himself.. therm Slave States; and indeed the com-

encemeh canvassing tour in Virginia is already an- ounced. e Whig candidates are Protectionists ; which

mill tell in fat of General Scott in the North and against Mr. Webster in the South. The probability * that the old Eastern States will be so divided between the two,iiiitt the decision will be tbisraai into dighandbof lbe new ilksttan States, whose leanings havieyet to besseertableil.