12 JULY 1873, Page 23

Studies in Troop - Leading. By Colonel I. von Vordy du Vernois.

(Henry S. King and Co.)—This is the translation of a well-known and highly-commended German military book. The English translator is Lieutenant Hildyard, list Highlanders, who wrote one of the Welling- ton Prize Essays, while Major-General Beauchamp Walker recommends the little volume to the attentive perusal of his brother officers. The thoughtful soldier says he has read and re-read the Studies very care- -fully, and he hopes with profit, and we have no hesitation in saying that the value of the book to officers can hardly ha overrated. What the able German does is to carry you through a military operation of some magnitude, just as if it were real, sot before you the orders, and show you the reasons for every stop. The studies have this additional --advantage,—they are made to occur on actual known ground—the roads which lead from Silesia upon Trautenau—so that any military tourist could follow each operation, if he pleased, on the very scene of this imaginary movement. The care with which the work is done will strike all attentive readers, and one cannot imagine any more instruc- tive studies. Volunteer officers would do well to acquire a familiarity witt‘these pages, just as useful for thorn as for officers of the Line.