12 JULY 1890, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE."] SIR,—In the article in your issue of July 5th on the Indian missionary controversy, you state that I was "apparently an- convinced" that our missionaries ought to be "completely exonerated from all charges against their character." That is a complete mistake. I voted for the resolution, and have- voted for similar resolutions again and again during the last fifteen months. The fact is, that the personal aspect of the controversy has been a gigantic misunderstanding from first to last. I and all who agree with me have disclaimed and repudiated personal charges throughout. We have sought to- raise a question of policy, and nothing else. In order to pre- vent any further misapprehension, we have now withdrawn all the passages in the original articles which were capable or being construed into the personal charges we never intended.

Allow me to add, farther, that we never suggested the

reduction of a single penny in the stipend of any missionary now in India. We said that a new experimental policy ought not to have any retrospective effect. We did suggest that young men might go from our Missionary College to try a financial via media, because we thought such an arrangement would facilitate their work as village evangelists.

There is a difference of opinion as to the real intention of the sub-committee in suggesting that henceforth our mission- aries should be paid. in rupees. Whatever was their intention, neither the General Committee nor the Conference has yet resolved to reduce stipends. If taking away from our Indian brethren the gain on exchange would have the effect you pre- dict, no one would resist such a step more strenuously than I