12 JULY 1930, Page 16


'To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,----I ask your readers to remember that our Bill to stop the export of horses for butchery- has recently passed its second reading and has great support from Members of Parliament. It is well known to all concerned that recent exposure of the cruel conditions at Vaugirard, the Paris horse abattoir, has gained much sympathy for this Bill, because so long as any horses may be exported for butchery some will certainly go to Vaugirard. In fact ten, at least, went last week. We know from our informants that there is great uneasiness at Vaugirard on this account, and it is reasonable to conclude that they are very ready to allay public anxiety in England.

During many years the authorities at Vaugirard have refused to attempt any reform of the cruel killing and cruel treatment so often reported. And they have taken strenuous means to prevent entrance of visitors, and have turned them out directly they have been observed. At this moment a society that has ignored those conditions, and thrown doubt on their exposure by Mr. Gilbey, announces that two principal officials have visited that abattoir, offered to give killers and cartridges, and have been promised that henceforth they shall be used for all horses, and that an inspector appointed by this English society shall be allowed free entrance at all times to the abattoir to see that these conditions are carried out.

May I warn your readers that this is not the first time that killers have been given to butchers at Vaugirard? Also that I have heard two other versions of the many suggested reforms at Vaugirard. In fact the authorities seem as eager to institute —or announce—reforms as they were till now to resent any suggestion that reforms were necessary. Under all these conditions it would be wiser not to announce the conversion of Vaugirard till we have seen it in practice. In the meantime our horses are going there. Let us try- to get the Bill passed

that would stop that export—and the whole export of horses