12 JULY 1957, Page 40


ACROSS 1 Flowers for Homer on occasion? (7) 5 No commission after this, in the outdoor market (4, 3).

9 Plunder and turn to in a mechanical manner (5).

10 Imagine, gratis! (5-4) 11 They seem to be always making exclamations of impatience (6).

12 Gets near in an unfriendly way (8).

14 All return to be beautiful (5).

15 Outrageous in a distinguished way (9). 18 I seem nude, each might say in a fury (9).

20 'He that has - within his own clear breast' (Milton) (5). 22 Where the bell-ringers might get a drink at a charge (4-4).

24 In the spring, but love in it would make one sleepy! (6) 26 A dire song, rendered bombastically (9). 27 Writer from whom to expect at least one maxim (5).

28 'Of all tales 'tis the - ... Because it makes us smile' (Byron) (7).

29 Gratify (7). DOWN

1 Actually, it's truel (9)

2 Said about a morsel; it's heavenly (7).

3 Come, thanks, within (9).

4 But the seat doesn't go quite far enough (4).

5 She feels the strain of music-making, evidently (10).

6 The poultry-farmer's favourite cake, no doubt (5).

7 Go about in a pair of spectacles in the Italian port (7).

8 The Sappers are here (5).

13 Where's the nearest chiropodist? this tyro might inquire (10).

16 Gingerbread of the highest quality (4-5).

17 Title sale (anag.) (9).

19 All up in rising spirits for a duck (7).

21 One girl-too many for Lear perhaps (7).

22 Follow us in Portugal (5).

23 Move to get lambskin (5).

25 'One morn a - at the gate of Eden stood, disconsolate' (Moore) (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luse edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on July 23 and addressed; Crossword No. 948, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, Is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on July 26 Solution to No. 946 on page 74 The winners of Crossword No. 946 are: Mtn J. M. S. Coin.. 17 Orange Park, Ealing, W5, and MRS. PAULIN, 26 Victoria Road, Oxford.