12 JULY 1963, Page 9

A Spectator's Notebook

IT may be that a week in London has left me diminished and confused, but I think I'm right in remarking how every burning question of the day appears to be fusing into one. People in pubs who mention sexual morality (and by gum, people in pubs do!) find themselves drifting rapidly into parliamentary integrity, the structure of Toryism, espionage, the condition of the press, security, income tax, and now the property racket, of all things. Oh what a tangled web we weave, and all that jazz. In fact, all topics are connected, and it's undoubtedly a good thing that we should find them overlapping in our minds. One that sticks up most obviously to a stranger in town is the ever-changing London skyline. The new GPO tower building is a jim-dandy, it excites and pleases me. But even the best of new urban building poses a question which is be- coming obsessional with me: when we've re- built entire cities, where are we going to put folk?