12 JULY 1986, Page 26

Invitation to Naas

Sir: Where else but in the literate pages of the Spectator could we have discovered that we shared a common interest with Lord Gowrie (Summer wine and food, 21 June)? Miss Cunningham's hostelry, in Naas, is also our favourite drinking place, or, at least, has been until recently, when, unfortunately, Miss Cunningham sold it. The hostelry has always been known as the Five Lamps — not the Three Kings.

Naas, Nas Na Riogh, in Gaelic means the place of the kings, and had three kings living here in ancient times. Miss Cunning- ham, being somewhat learned in history and archaeology, may have recounted some tales to Lord Gowrie; if the lamps and the kings got mixed up — well, what matter! We are happy Lord Gowrie en- joyed his visit to Naas, and we hope he'll return.

We would also be happy to welcome Alice Thomas Ellis, Jeffrey Bernard, the wonderful Auberon Waugh, and that equally wonderful writer, Christopher Hitchens.

Cathleen Benson

Roseacre, Dublin Road, Naas