12 JUNE 1830, Page 8

NATURE OF TnE KING'S ILLNESS.—III answer to the inquiries of

readers, the London Medical Gazette of this morning says, there is " nothing remarkable in his Majesty's case, or different from other in- stances of organic disease in the chest ending in dropsy ; unless, indeed, it be the manlier in which the Royal patient has several times rallied when the fatal result seemed to be imminent ; a circumstance chiefly to

be attributed to the skill of his attendants, and the unremitting atten- tion with which he is watched. We understand that the most powerful diuretics having failed to produce the desired effects, and the serous effusion continuing to accumulate, in spite of the artificial means adopted for its exit—the permanent difficulty of breathing has increased to a most distressing extent, and become attended with great anxiety and exhaustion. Every means which science can suggest has, of course, been adopted to relieve the Royal sufferer : among these, the most suc- cessful in procuring sleep and intervals of ease have been opiates, and, we believe, among others, morphia ; while the more violent paroxysms of impeded respiration have been, in some degree, mitigated by the volatile alkali, and other diffusible stimulants."

PRINCESS &aqua or GLOUCESTER.—As her Royal Highness was driving down the hill in Pelham Crescent, Hastings, on Sunday after-

noon, one of the horses fell, and plunged violently ; fortunately the

Princess was got out of the carriage without injury. The Brighton Guardian adds, that she was afterwards driven "to Bohemia in a fy."

'These outlandish names will be a fine puzzle to our great grandchildren.

CRETHT or THE PRESS.—The Bury Herald stated, the week before last, that the Bishop of Lincoln was not appointed tutor to the Princess Victoria ; last week this important negative was repealed. It is strarge. how sceptical the public are in regard to every thing that is asserted by their best instructors. How would it do to affix an affidavit to the im- print?

RICHES OF TIIE PERLs.—The will of the late Sir Robert Peel was -proved on Tuesday last. (The former statement on this subject had

been premature.) The personalty was sworn at what is called "upper

value"—that is, as exceeding nine hundred thousand pounds, the largest sum, we beliegeohat any will has eveicheen proved under. The landed es-oraie testator were besides veryconsiderahle. The will mentions various sums, amounting in all to about 240,000/. (besides an annuity of

9,000/. per annum to the present Baronet), which Sir R. had at va- rious times advanced to or settled upon his children, and bequeathes them near 600,000/. more, making the provision for his five younger sons 100,0001., and that of his three daughters 53,0001. each; 6,000/. are left to a school which Sir Robert had established at Fazaly, in Staf- fordshire ; and small legacies to some of the hospitals at Manchester and

Salford. By a codicil, dated in 1825, the fortunes of the younger sons are increased to 135,000/. each; and the residue, which will in all likeli- hood be nearly half a million, to be divided into ninths—four shares to the -present Baronet, and one to each of his five brothers. Government will get about 25,0001., fifteen being the probate stamp, and the legacy-duty will hardly fall much short of ten.—Morning Herald. TREATMENT or Dons AND or PERsoNs BirrEN.—We were inclined to hope that the alarm on the subject of hydrophobia had been very Much

exaggerated. We think it right, however, to state, that we have in- stituted some inquiries upon this subject, and find that, at one of the veterinary establishments at the West end of the town, not less than sixty rabid dogs have been received during the last three months ; being

-a number greatly exceeding what has been met with during any former season. It appears, indeed, to prevail epidemically, and not to be

much, if at all, connected with the state of the weather—at least as to heat. We saw two mad dogs and a hydrophobic cat, at Mr. Youatt's, in Nassau Street, all at the same time, during the coldest part of last winter. The best thing which persons having dogs which they are un- willing to destroy can do, is to send them to a veterinary infirmary the moment they show the least symptom of illness. If it prove hydropho- bia, they are prevented from doing harm ; and if not, they are taken care of till they recover. As to the numberless remedies which have been published within this fortnight, there is not one of them good for any thing; indeed, they are calculated to do harm, by leading persons

to place confidence where they will not find safety. There is no cure, and but a short period for prevention. We have known the disease come on though the part was cut out within half an hour after the re- ceipt of the bite : the excision ought, therefore, to be instantaneous.— London Medical Gazette, June 12.

- Mn. C. listi..—It has been generally rumoured, within the last few days, that Mr. C. Bell has resigned his Professorships in the London University,. 'We are enabled to confirm this, and to state, that his re- signation i'vas tendered six months ago. His reasons are understood to be the impossibility of realizing those prospects which he held out to the medical pupils, in his first lecture, at the opening of the University.— London Medical Gazette.

THE REV. Mn. WILLIAMS AND MR. WILBERFORCE, JUNIOR.— Some time ago, the former of these gentlemen charged the latter with jobbing in the materials furnished for the building of the new chapel at Hendon. It appears that old Mr. Wilberforce had been for several years in treaty with Mr. Williams respecting the erection of the chapel in question ; and that at length lie obtained permission to erect it from the Commissioners for Building Churches ; it being stipulated that the building should cost 3000/.; and the perpetual Presentation was vested in Mr. Wilberforce, on condition of his endowing the chapel by a rent- charge on his property. It was built by contract—the contractor fur- nishing every thing but the bricks; which were burnt under young Mr. Wilberforce's direction, and rated, not charged, at 21. 2s. per thousand,

merely for the sake of keeping the accounts distinct—their goodness o quality has been certified by the Surveyor of the Commissioners. The furnishing of the bricks for his own chapel is the act of jobbing charged by Mr. Williams ; a singular one, certainly. The emoluments of the chapel are estimated at 150/. ; aud as old Mr. Wilberforce has given for the presentation a perpetual rent-charge of 60/. per annum, and above 30001. for the building of the chapel, his bargain does not appear to be a very profitable one.

TITHES IN KIND.—The York Ilerald says that the agent of a. clergy-

man in the neighbourhood of the village of Stokesby regularly attends at the milking of the cows, and, having received his-tenth, throws it on the ground. The Herald is indignant at the injury done to the farmer by this process. The abstraction of the milk may be an injury doubtless, though it is a legal one ; but its destruction is a benefit as far as it goes. If preserved, the parson's tenth gallon would of necessity compete in the market with the farmer's nine. Such contests are unseemly, exceedingly injurious to the Church, and with the untliiiiking, to religion; but agri- culture suffers nothing from them.

OPEN Am PREACHERS.— The mob in Dublin have been amusing themselves with pelting one of these more zealous than wise individuals. Saunders's News Letter, after stating the fact, asks,—" Of what religious denomination can those persons be who thus behaved to a really lino& fending being ? Is it possible, with reference to the country, that they wore Irishmen 9 There is a straightforward and most amusing simpli- city of humbug about ohr western neighbours. The attempt to make out a Dublin row to be an improbable and unlrish offence, is exceedingly rich.

THE OLDEST MAN.—At a confirmation which took place in a parish not one hundred miles from Chertsey, in Surrv, the clergyman, examining a simple country girl, asked her if she knew a who was the oldest man P" She promptly replied, " If you please' Sir, they say old Master Goring the tailor is." " You are a very weak girl," said the rev. gentleman. " I am indeed, Sir," was her reply, " because I have taken a great deal of doctor's stuff lately."

A FAITHLESS BRIDE.—A curious circumstance happened on Mon- day. A sawyer in Churchstoke married a lady at the Mainstone ; in the afternoon the bride put on her bonnet, and said she would take a bit of bridecake to a neighbour, about a hundred yards off. The new husband asked if he should accompany her, and she replied, " No ; I shall be back directly." The new husband waited until four o'clock the next morning, but she never returned.—Slactesbury Chronicle.

DELICATE QUESTION.—A question, we understand, is likely to arise, whether the Pavilion at Brighton is a Royal Palace, and, as such, the property of the Crown, or whether it is the private property of his pre- sent Majesty.—Morning Herald.

CIRCUMSTANTIAL EvinENTE.—Some years ago, a woman of the name of Margaret Shuttleworth was tried in Perth, for the murder of her husband. She was convicted entirely upon circumstantial evidence, and executed at Montrose, after being respited for two weeks. She maintained her innocence to the last—even when standing on the drop ! We have heard the contents of a private letter which arrived from Eng7 land last week, which states that a man, who has just now been executed in England, confessed upon the scaffold that he was the sole murderer of Margaret Shuttleworth's husband.—Dundee Advertiser. [This "private letter" was perhaps suggested by a recent occurrence in Eng- land, an account of which we have had in type three or four weeks ; and we believe it is of such importance, that we ought, even at this distance of time,. to place a record of the facts on the file of the SPEC- TATOR.] ATROCIOUS IMPOSTURE.—At the late Lancaster Assizes, two men, Paul Rigby and James Grimes, and Mary Grimes, the wife of the latter' were convicted of highway robbery, and, condemned, the men to be hanged, and the woman to be transported. Robert Stanley, the person robbed, described himself as :a joiner, residing at Oswestry. He was on his way to the North, when, on the night of Shrove Tues- day, being then within a mile or two of Lancaster, he was accosted by a female, who asked him in a broad Irish accent for some halfpenee: in a moment after, he was knocked down by two men, who were in company with her, and robbed of his money, his watch, and two small bundles of wearing apparel. About eight o'clock the same .night, Stanley was found on the road, seemingly asleep or drunk ; but on a more minute inspection, it was found that his wrists were bound with a piece of brass wire, and that a piece of wire was also twisted round his neck, appa- rently for the purpose of strangulation. It was immediately removed ; and Stanley, after some] half-hour, recovered sufficiently to state his case. Very strong :circumstantial evidence was produced against the prisoners ; who were accordingly found guilty. When they protested their innocence, Sir James Parke, who seldom forms halfaudgments, told them, that "if they were innocent, no reliance was to be placed on human testimony." It is worthy also of notice, that when Stanley was carried before Admiral Tatham, to make the charge on :which the pri. soners were committed, he referred the Admiral, in proof of his cha- racter, to the Rev. Mr. Venables, minister of Oswestry ; that Admiral Tatham wrote in consequence to that gentleman, and received, in course of post, the following answer: "Oswestry, March 5,1830. "Sir,-1 received your's of the 2d instant, and tun sorry to hear of poor Stan lay's misfortune. He is not known to me in person, hut I have made inquiry, and find him to bear a very got character since his residence in this town. He is but in a small way of business, :Jut is considered very industrious.—I have the honour to be,, Sir, your most obedient humble servant, THOMAS VENAOLES. should wish Stanley to call on me when he returns.

To Hear-Admiral Tatham, Lancaster." Addressed to the Town-Clerk, Lancaster.

Post-mark, .Oswestry, March 5,1830.

It would be difficult to conceive a story more plausible in all its parts, and yet there was not one word of truth in it I There was no " Stanley, joiner," known at Oswestry; nor was there any 4 4 Thomas Venables ' there, either as clergyman or any thing else. The men and woman have of course been reprieved; and perhaps, in future, the far-seeing Judge may be a little less positive in his conclusions against an unfortunate prisoner. It is quite evident that this Peerless villain Stanley, or what- ever was his name, was enabled to convict these poor people only in con- sequence of the ;haste, negligence, and inconsideration, that must ever characterize aj form of trial where no counsel is allowed by law to the

accused prisoner. Half a dozen of questions must have settled the vera- city of Stanley, but who was to put them? MoaostasitA.—A soldier named Debuire was tried by a court-mar- tial in Paris, on the 7th, for shooting his sergeant. It appeared that the assassin and the deceased had been intimate friends, till a short time be- fore, when the deathof a comrade of the latter produced a total change in his behaviour and temper. Debuire is a mild-featured young man, fair-haired and blue-eyed. Notwithstanding the strong proofs of mental aberration, both the doctors and the court decided against him: It was supposed that he would be shot, pursuant to sentence. From the period of his conviction he had passed his time in the utmost possible cheerful- ness, Singing from morning to night.

NUTRITIVE PROPERTIES OF SUGAR.—The Hindoos have a tra- dition showing how the sugar-cane was first introduced among them, and which proves in what estimation it is held by them. They relate, that in very ancient times, a vessel belonging to their country happened to leave one of her crew, under a-desperate fit of sickness, on a desert island, at a considerable distance in the Eastern Seas ; and returning by the same route, curiosity prompted them to inlitire after the fate of their companion, when the man presented -himself to their view com- pletely recovered from his sickness and in robust health. With anxiety they inquired for the medicine he had used ; when he conducted them to thetugar-cane, on which he had solely subsisted from the time of their departure.—Porter on the Cultivation of the Sugar-cane. A LADY'S WILL.--A lady named Barsoff died some time since at Paris, leaving a curious will, from which the following are extracts.— " I request that a column of marble may be raised over my tomb, on which shall be placed my bust in bronze, with this inscription—' Next to the misfortune of existing, is the greater one of belonging to the human race ! ' and lower down, Here lies Madame BarsofF, who died

the .' As to religious ceremonies, I wish them to be short and simple. In my opinion nothing is more stupid than to buy prayers. I wish, however, that the interment should be conducted in a respectable manner. To make a traffic of religion inspires me more than any thing else with a disgust which I cannot conquer. At the me- lancholy and final ceremony, I should prefer the presence of a single friend to all the quackery of ministers appointed with another object than that which they seem usually to have in view. In short, to ex- plain myself frankly, I should like to be transported direct to Pere La Chaise ; and I would make an express clause to that effect, if I were not aware of the influence of prejudice upon the best-disposed minds. It would perhaps prevent some persons from feeling that regret at my death which I flatter myself my remembrance will excite ; and I feel that friendship is necessary to me, even, in the tomb. I still fear, how- ever, that the persons who make a trade of getting up splendid funerals should throw upon my executor the blame of what they may designate the most scandalous and revolutionary impiety—for that is the fashion- able phrase. With respect to myself, I have formed my own opinion, which is, that the carrying a dead body to the church is quite a superfluous formality, and only of service to those who get money by it."

ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR GREECE.—It is said, by the French journals, that Prince Frederick, the second son of the King of Holland, has applied for the office of Greek King, vacant by the resignation' of Prince Leopold.

BouhoostE-suit-MEn.—A correspondent of the Herald (who, from a lamentation over the insufficiency of the bedrooms assigned to servants, and from the nature of the articles quoted, we take to be a lady's maid) gives the following list of prices at this watering-place. With all its defects, we suspect Boulogne is cheaper than Margate still. " Meat of all sorts at 6id. per pound. Chickens, 31 and 4 francs ; but always bear in mind it is a French chicken. A capon, and that a small one, 9 'francs. Bread, 10d. the quartern-loaf. Mackerel, 10d. a-piece. Small turbot, 9 francs and 10 francs each. Pigeons, Is. the couple. Asparagus, 10d. the bundle, about 25. -A pair of lady's walking shoes, 5s. 10d., which may be had in London, of far superior quality, for 3s. or 3s. 6d. Ribands, 3 or 4 francs a-yard, that is, from 2s. 6d. to 3s., which, of superior tex- ture, you can pm-chase at 7d. in London."

PRINCE MET TERNICH.—This minister intends, it seems, to pass the greater part of the present month at Johannisberg ; where, it is said, there will he a sort of political reunion. Prince Esterhazy is expected to join him there.

CABINET PLACES GONE A-BEGGING.—A person named Madrolle, who was sentenced to fifteen days' imprisonment for the publication at Paris of the Mazoire du Roi, stated to the Court, through his counsel, that since the 8th August, he had been offered the second place in a Ministry. THE DRAPEAU BLANC.—This Parisian paper, which has been all along a furious ultra (it carries for its motto" Five le Roi quand

—which may be translated " God save the King, and the Devil take every one else")—was sold on the 21st for 7201.! It is to be incorporated with the Conservateur de la Restauration. If the French Ministers pro- gress as they have done, it is shrewdly suspected that in a few months there will be no Restauration a conserver.

SAFE Snocrmse.—Among other expedients of victory, it is said the French Commander carries with him a number of pasteboard men ! These are to stand and be shot, while the real men stand and shoot. La CABINET Nora.—A letter from Grenoble, inserted in a Lyons jour- nal, describes this disgraceful office to be still in existence at the Parisian post-office.. In the licentious reign of Louis XV. it was used, as may be seen from the Memoirs of Madame du Barn, as an instrument of amuse- ment to the buffoons and prostitutes of the court ; by Villele's Adminis- tration, and now by Prince Polignac's, it has been employed for graver, but not less reprehensible purposes. It is astonishing that any Ministry can be so insane as not to see that, by destroying confidence between man and man, they are destroying confidence between subjects and kings, and accelerating the very catastrophe which they pretend to deprecate. THE GRAND ELECTOR.—The Propagateur de la Verite, a French journal, declares that the majority of the people in France and else- where are possessed by the Devil, and hence the numerous crimes of re- volution and freemasonry that characterize the age. On the subject of national assemblies, we are informed by the Truthteller—" If the Lafayettes, the Royer Collards, the Benjamin Constants, the Dupins, the Chateaubriands, and all the great speakers in the tribune, were exorcised, these gentlemen would be much astonished at the change that would be

elected in their body and mind. Satan plunges them into the filth of libertinism and gluttony. As in the present state of Europe the majority of the men are possessed of the Devil, to cause the Deputies to be chosen by a majority of votes amounts to this, that the choice is given to Me Devil. To convoke national assemblies, is only to assemble demo. niacs, directed by Satan, who will again drag kings to the scaffold, and cut the throats of all aristocrats—who will pillage convents, churches, castles, and huts."—Theconnexion between Liberalism and good dinners is not very obvious, but still less can we understand why the Devil should be so exceedingly jealous against kings. Unless they are much belied, few people do his bidding more willingly, and none have the power to do it more effectually.

LITERARY COPYRIGHT IN GERMANY.—The Court of Austria will, it is said, shortly take up, with a view to its final adjustment, the ques- tion of copyright of books published in Germany. At present, an au- thor has no right whatever, as a book published in one state is immedi- ately pirated in the next, and the states are so numerous that any thing like prevention of this piracy is quite hopeless. The consequence has been, that German books are invariably printed on the coarsest paper,. and in the cheapest form possible ; and the price of the first edition of a work is no greater than of the twentieth. The public profit, the book- sellers profit, but the poor author starves ; and should the system conti- nue much longer, the race must die out for want of encouragement. The Emperor of Austria proposes to remedy this by conferring a modi- fied copyright on all German books, within the dominions of Austria, whether originally printed there or not. If the other states, as it is pro- bable they will, be guided by the Emperor's generous example, an author in Germany will in future have the same protection as he has always had, more or less, in every other country of Europe.

SPANISH CaEnrr.—The Journal de Commerce puts this question on its proper basis. The interests of the various debts that Spain has con- tracted and still owes is about 900 millions of reales. The whole revenue of Spain is not above 600 millions of reales. It is therefore quite unne- cessary to discuss the probabilities of Ferdinand's completing future en- gagements, since it is evident he cannot be honest towards the creditors whom he whiles to create, except by being dishonest to those whom he has created.

Cassana.—The whole disposable land in this province that belongs to Government amounts to about 5,500,000 of acres ; of which, 1,708,829 have been surveyed. The Canada Company hold 2,400,000 acres, and the clergy reserves amount to 1,500,000.

Prascs or WALES ISLAND.—By the census for 1829, the population - of this island amounted to 34,775; of whom 1,434 are native Christians, There has been an increase of 2,954 residents since 1828.