12 JUNE 1830, Page 7

/NFERNAL Macirisr.—In the Gazette of last night a reward of

2001. is offered for the discovery of the authors of an attempted murder, of which the following particulars are detailed in one of the Manchester papers. • " On Saturday last, a most diabolical and infamous attempt was made against the life of Mr. William Higginbottom, a respectable cotton- spinner at Hurst, near Ashton-under-Line. On the afternoon of Satur- day, a small wooden box was left at the Flying Horse Coach Office, in Manchester, addressed to Mr. Higginbottom. The man who left the box expressed particular anxiety that it should be forwarded with care ; and even called a second time at the coach office before the box was sent off, to renew these directions. The box was accordingly sent off by the first coach to Ashton, and was delivered at the house of Mr. Higginbottom at a late hour the same night. Mr. Higginbottom, in the presence of several other members of the family, consisting of nine or ten individuals, began to raise off the lid of the box, but, at the very commencement of this operation, he was alarmed by hearing a most unusual noise proceed from the interior. At the same moment a small quantity of gunpowder escaped from beneath the lid. His suspicions being aroused by these unusual appearances, he desisted at that time from any further attempts upon the mysterious package, but sent for the constable of the township, by whom it was at length broken open. When the lid was removed, the box was found to contain about 9lbs. of fine gunpowder ; and a pistol was also embedded among the gunpowder. To the trigger of the pistol was attached a wire, the other end of which was fastened to the lid, so as to cause an explosion the moment an attempt should be made to re- move it. It would appear that the trigger was drawn when Mr. Higgin- bottom first endeavoured to remove the lid, but most providentially the flint missed fire, and no explosion ensued. Mr. Higginbottom has lately had some unpleasant disputes with his workmen on the subject of wages, and a turn-out lately took place, since which time he had employed a number of fresh hands brought from other quarters. The only con- struction which can be put upon this mysterious affair is, that the box must have been sent by some of the turn-outs, with the view of causing the destruction of that gentleman. The clerk at the Flying Horse states, that he could at once identify the man by whom the box was left, should he see him again." INFANTICIDE.—Charles Wall, the man who was committed to Wor- cester Gaol the week before last, on a charge of murdering a child by throwing it into a coal-pit, was actually asked in church to the mother of the infant, on the very morning of the day on which the murder was committed ! The Worcester Journal says, that " at 'an early hour that morning, the prisoner inquired of a woman near the pits which of them had been knocked off,'—meaning worked out ; and shortly after nine o'clock in the evening, about which time it is supposed the deed was per. petrated, he was suet in the ground in which the pit is situated with the child in his arms. It was crying bitterly for its supper, when Wall sait.4 Don't make a noise, wench, I am going to get you some flowers.' Shortly after, he was observed returning from the pit without it." FATAL nonr.—Byrne, the slayer of McKay, in pugilistic conflict, has been arrested. We trust that he will be sent to exhibit his powers at Sydney or Hobart Town. A number of fashionable ruffians are said to have been present at the brutal exhibition ; and hopes are enter- tained that some of them will be sent to the treadmill for six months, as alders and abettors in the slaughter of M'Hay. IxEY SoLoinoxs.—Isaac Solomons, called Ikey for shortness, has arrived, in custody of a Hobart Town constable. We believe no paro- chial officiary ever conducted a charge so long a journey. The Govern- ment might as well have left him where he was ; he can but be sent back again. CHEATING AT CARDS.—A curious case was tried at Edinburgh on Monday, in which a person named Paterson, an accountant, was prose- cutor, and a gentleman named Shaw defendant. Paterson, who had long been known to cheat at play, both on direct evidence of his tricks in shuffling and dealing, and from his singular and uniform good fortune, was at length openly charged with it by Mr. Shaw ; and in consequence of the threats held forth by that gentleman, he made restitution to him of 3041., which Paterson had at various periods won. The charge and the compromise afterwards got bruited abroad, very much to Mr. Pater- son's annoyance ; and he had no way left of patching up his cracked reputation than by charging Shaw with scandal and libel, and prosecuting him for damages. The trial was a lengthened one, and many documents as well as witnesses were employed in deciding it ; but the result was completely decisive of Mr. Paterson's practices. One of the witnesses swore distinctly to seeing him take a card from the bottom of the pack, and drop it into his own hand ; and another case equally positive would have been proved, but for a formal error, by which the evidence was excluded. The Judge, Lord Gillies, summed up strongly against the pur- suer; and the Jury, without a moment's hesitation, found against him. So much for desperate cures ! Rows ay GLasoow.—One of the Glasgow papers, which, like most provincial journals, when local news are scarce, has a trick of making the most of the little it contrives to pick up, gives a long and terrible account of some fistycuff proceedings at Glasgow, that have arisen out of the late fatal fight between Byrne and APKay. The party of the latter are, it seems, resolved to win back, and that of the former to retain, the fame which Ireland has gained and Scotland has lost by Simon's slaughter of Sawney. The first assault appears to have been in favour of the partisans of the thistle. Stain, a " Byrnite," was set on by five of them on Sunday last, and knocked down and killed, after a fashion which the most zealous of his countrymen could not but approve of. One fellow struck him a severe blow behind the ear while attempting to escape. "Another of the party ran forward to the place where the man was lying in a state of utter insensibilitn, and lifting up his head a considerable way from the ground, allowed it to fall again with great force upon the hard stones ; it is also said that the brutal wretches struck him severely on the face with his hat. They then ran off, leav- ing their victim on the ground." Stain died next day. On the same day, there were not fewer, it is said, than five hundred fellows on the Green to witness the numerous combats between the two facVoils, that followed each other almost without intermission. Several of the moth active on this occasion have been captured and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment ; and the riots—in which, from their superior numbers, the Scotch seem to have had it all their own way—were, " when the last letters left," on the decline if not wholly terminated. It is indeed difficult to keep up even a riot where all the power is on one side. Besides, the genius of Caledonia may now be supposed to be ap- peased by the sacrifice of an Irishman to the manes of her lost cham:. pion. The ruffians charged with the murder of Stain have been taken, and we hope will be permitted to accompany Mr. Byrne to New New castle ; where, if any portion of the dispute still remain unsettled, they can discuss it at leisure.

MURDER. OF PAUL L. Couniun.—The murderer of the celebrated Courier has at last been discovered. His name is Fremont ; he was the gamekeeper of the unfortunate deceased. The assassination appears Oa have been prompted by feelings of revenge ; it had nothing to do with politics. Fremont had for accomplices, Symphorien Dubois (since dead), Pierre Dubois, and two others. The trial of Fremont and his surviving accomplices was to take place at Tours, on the 0th inst.

The following is given as the confession of the assassin—" M. Courier had met me, by appointment, at seven o'clock, and while he was show.. ing me some wood to be cut down, Symphorien Dubois, addressing Cou- rier, said he had just quitted his brother's. Courier walked about twenty paces into the wood. Symphorien then came up to me, and said, Your gun is not loaded, is it ?" It is,' said I, in one barrel." Well

then,' he replied, will load it properly.' He took the wadding an& ball from one of the barrels, and reloaded both with ammunition which he took from his pocket. In returning the gun to me, he said, ' This evening must put an end to the business.' At the same instant, Courier tame up, said he should go home, and immediately took the road to Lalande. I followed him, with Symphorien by my side ; the latter again said to me, ' You must kill him.' After having gone a few paces, Symphorien, seeing his brother, said, Here comes Peter : if you do not kill Courier, when I have thrown him on the ground, your life shall be the forfeit.' He instantly darted on Courier, seized him by the legs, and threw him down. The latter cried, I am a lost man 1' Sym- phorien said, ' Fire, or your life shall. be the forfeit !' Thus taken by surprise, I fired, and immediately fled. My agitation was so great, that I saw no other persons. I cannot, however, be positive that there were no others with Peter Dubois."

WEATIIER rs. THE Nonrn.—On Friday, last week, the Caledonian coach drove upwards of twenty miles of the road betwixt Blair and In- verness through snow;. and some of the higher range of the Grampiants appeared in the same covering. Many of the trees and smaller plants are severely frosted ; the early potatoes blackened ; and the hopes of the orchardmen destroyed.—Scoteh Paper.

FLoons.—The heavy rains of last week have caused the rivers Severn and Avon to overflow to such an extent, that several thousand acres of grass fit for the scythe, in this and the adjoining county of Worcester, have been laid under water.—Cheltenham Chronicle.

DEATH BY Meennrrns..—A young man named Somerset was killed, on Tuesday, in consequence of getting entangled by the .itrap on the drum of a steam-engine. His leg, which was terribly mangled, was am.. putated at Guy's Hospital, whither the unfortunate man was carried.. He had received, besides, a severe contusion on the body, Whieh proved

• fatal.

In December last, from the fall of a cliff near Whitby, a number of dwelling-houses, the whole of the alum-manufactories, and about 20001. worth of alum belonging to Lord Mulgrave, at Kettleness, were buried. 'Workmen have since that time been employed in clearing away this ruins. On Thursday, last week, a second shot of earth took place ; when a poor man named Rogers was killed, and several others were seriously hurt.

FIVE PERSONS DitowN'En.—On Monday about noon, a melancholy accident happened off the shoals of Portkill by the upsetting of a wherry belonging to fIelensburgh, on her way to Gourock. Amongst the suf.- ferers we are extremely sorry to announce the highly-respected Dr. Chrystal, Rector of the Grammar School, a son of Professor Davidson, and a son of Mr. Hussey. The boatmen were Donald Smith and George Owen. The bodies of none of the sufferers have yet been found, except that of Dr. Chrystal, which was brought into Greenock by two fisher- men who saw the accident while at a considerable distance. Ok. course they could render no assistance.—G /avow Scots Times.

ATTEMPT AT Mununn.—On Wednesday, last week, a weaver named Miller, residing at Cumwhinton, near Carlisle, attempted to cut his wife's throat. The wound inflicted was of a very serious character.' and but slender expectations of the poor woman's recovery are indulged. The fellow afterwards made a similar but less determined attempt on his own life.

SUICIDES.—On Monday morning last, a genteel and pretty-looking girl, apparently about seventeen or eighteen years old, threw herself into the river Eden, and was drowned.—Carlisle Journal.

'Waterloo Bridge which used to be a fashionable resort for these "affairs of grief,' but which has been for a year or two quite deserted, is, it seems, coming into repute again. On Tuesday, a man threw himself over the parapet, and was drowned, notwithstanding that an int. mediate alarm was given. The night before, a girl made two attempts to perform the same feat, but was prevented. Suicide, we conclude, from the following bit of magnificent writing, must be rare among the good people of Tralee. How cheaply may a mansion acquire fame, when an apartment can be rendered memorable by the death of a mad cobler ! We quote from the Tralee Mercury. "On Tuesday last, in Killarney, a young man, named John Stokes, a shoemaker, while his wife was hurrying to her grave (the inmates of the apartment wherein he was allowed to sojourn being at the burial); made an attempt to terminate his existence, by suspending himself with a handkerchief from a beam, and there remained for a few minutes, till his convulsed and death-like groans drew the attention of a person in an apartment immediately over that which this most unfortunate wretch sought to make memorable by the commission of that horrid crime." MOUNT fEraa.—Letters from Palermo speak of a violent eruption of Mount Etna. There are seven openings on the declivity of this mountain, and several villages have been destroyed. The showers of

ashes had extended as far as Rome. Great injury had been sustained in Calabria, and numbers of olive trees have suffered severely.

At Ratisbon, on the 25th, after several days very sultry weather, there was a very severe thunderstorm, which did much damage in the city and environs. The hail not only broke a great number of windows, but laid waste the beautiful gardens in the country all round. The storm passed over Kofering, Scherrer, and Mangolding ; damaging more or less almost all the buildings, and tearing up by the roots numbers of the finest trees.

The island of Porto Rico was visited, on the 18th and 19th April, by a tremendous rain, which did great damage to the sugar estates. Its equal has zibt been experienced for more than fifteen years before.