12 JUNE 1841, Page 5

Zbe court.

THE great attraction of the week, Ascot Races, has drawn the Court to the neighbourhood of the national sport.

The Queen and Prince Albert left Buckingham Palace, for Windsor Castle, at three o'clock on Monday, in a carriage and four, escorted by a party of Hussars. The little Princess Royal and the suite followed in four other carriages.

The Queen gave a dinner-party at the Castle on the same evening. Among the guests, were Prince Esterhazy, Prince Nicholas Esterhazy, the Marquis and Marchioness of Normanby, Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston, Viscount and Viscountess Powerscourt, Lord and Lady Ashley.

On Tuesday and Thursday, the Queen and Prince Albert, accompa- nied by a number of the guests at the Castle, visited Ascot Heath and witnessed the races.

On Thursday evening, her Majesty gave a grand banquet in St. George's Hall, to Jevery numerous party ; among whom were Prince George of pambfidge, .the Marquis of Normanby, the Duke and Dateless of Bedford, the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort, the Duke and Dutchess of Bucclench, the Duke and Dutchess of Sutherland, the Marquis of Exeter, the Marquis of Westminster, the Earl of Cardigan, Viscount and Viscountess Jocelyn, Lord Kinnaird and Miss Kinnaird, Lady and Miss Montague, Lord Macdonald, Lord Segrave, and a host of other titled personages.

The Queen and Prince Albert, with the Princess Royal and suite, returned to town yesterday.

Viscount Melbourne had an audience of the Queen on Monday. On Tuesday he arrived as a visiter at Windsor Castle, and departed again on Thursday. The Italian Opera was visited by the Queen and Prince Albert on Saturday. Last night, her Majesty and her Royal husband were pre- sent at the German Opera. On Tuesday, the Dntchess of Cambridge attended the same theatre ; and her Royal Highness, accompanied by Princess Augusta of Cambridge, visited the German Opera on Thurs- day. The Duke of Cambridge dined with the Catch Club on Tuesday. Yesterday, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge, and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge dined with the Earl and Countess of Jersey. The Dutchess of Gloucester was present at a ball given by Miss Burdett Coutts on Monday.

" We feel the greatest pleasure," says the Court paper, the Observer, " in stating that the Queen enjoys most excellent health and spirits. The very important event of her Majesty's accouchement may be ex- pected at the end of September, or early in the month of October. Prince Albert, contrary to the rumours that have been so insidiously spread for many weeks, has been and continues at the present time in the enjoyment of the best health. The Princess Royal thrives ad- mirably; has beautiful blue eyes, which are peculiarly interesting when she smiles; and is altogether a most lovely infant."