12 JUNE 1841, Page 8

LokN d CITY. The Conservative Association for the City of London

have, upon four candidates to represent the City in Parliament, and have issued circulars to that effect, with a blank envelope enclosed for-the individuals addressed to return their pledges of support. The four candidates are Mr. George Lyall, Mr. John Masterman, Mr. John Pirie, Mr. Wolverley Attwood. The circular is signed by Mr. _Russell Ellice.

The Morning Chronicle contradicts on authority the statement of the Times that Mr. Pattison intends to retire.

The requisition to Lord John Russell was presented on Thursday. The Standard says that Lord John did not return a definite answer to the deputation who presented it.

MARYLEBONE. Mr. G. A Young has challenged Commodore Napier to submit their conflicting claims to a public meeting of Liberal electors, and offers to withdraw if a majority of the meeting should think the Commodore the more eligible candidate. To this mode of adjusting the dispute the Commodore demurs, on the ground that it would be impossible to exclude non-electors and Tories from a public meeting. A preliminary ballot was rejected, because electors who had never voted, and who might be admitted to ballot, might ultimately turn out to be Tories. Sir Charles Napier's friends, however, have agreed to settle the question, by sending round persons accredited by both parties, to take lists at the houses of the electors of those who will support either candidate ; the one shown to be in a minority to retire. Sir James Ha- milton has accepted the invitation of the Tories to stand with Mr. Bond Cabbell.

Sir James Hamilton and Mr. Bond Cabbell attended a meeting of the electors on Wednesday. Mr. H. T. Hope was their chairman ; and they were supported by Sir James Cockburn and other friends. Their speeches, of the regular Church-and-state order, were not remarkable:

Cabbell's was very commonplace; pd. Sir James's was only not

so because it was uncommonly feeble. However, he craved indulgence- on account of his rawness.

TOWER HAMLETS. Colonel Fox, who stands in the room of Dr- Lushington, met the electors in the Court-house, on Wednesday. In his speech, and in reply to divers queries, he professed himself a friend: to religious liberty in its broadest and most comprehensive interpreta- tion, and against all civil disabilities on account of creed ; willing " to concede to the people every. privilege to which they were entitled ac- cording to the ancient spirit of the constitution " ; opposed to any tax. at all upon grain, but for a gradual abolition of the impost ; of opinion that all Europe should be as one country in the interchange of commo- dites ; that every church should be paid by those who attend it, but that alteration of the law was a matter of time and thought ; that the Poor-law was not a failure, though he would remedy defects ; and he declared himself neutral on the Ballot. He had no wish to go into Parliament with a bundle of pledges under his arm. There was a con- siderable muster of Chartists, who wanted to draw the Colonel out on the subject of Universal Suffrage, Ballot, and short Parliaments ; but he was not very tractable. An amendment was proposed on the reso- lution to support him, declaring him not a fit and proper candidate ; but the original resolution was carried.

The preceding account is abridged from another paper. A corre- spondent tells us, that when the amendment was proposed, some of the Whig party created such a disturbance by their indecent interruption„ that no one could tell what he was voting for, and there is reason to be- lieve that some voted against the amendment which they intended to support. The disgust consequent upon this conduct has induced some influential electors to seek for another candidate ; and Mr. T. P. E.. Thompson, a son of Colonel Thompson, and a promising young barris- ter, sincere and zealous in politics, has consented to stand.

WESTMINSTER. Mr. Leader and Sir De Lacy Evans are in commu- nication with the Westminster Reform Society ; and active steps are in progress to secure their reelection.


ANDOVER. Lord Huntingtower, a Tory, has addressed the electors. as an Anti-Poor-law candidate.

ANGLESEY. It is rumoured that Mr. Merrick, the late candidate-, will contest the county, with either the Honourable W. 0. Stanley or Colonel Frederick Paget, the Whigs.

ASstrON'IINDER-LYNE. Mr. Hindley is canvassing to insure his re- election.

AYLESBURY. Mr. Bickford having withdrawn, say the Tory papers, Mr. Rice Clayton stands with Mr. Hamilton. The Reform Club of the place have agreed to support none but a Free-trader, have invited Mr. Fleetwood Wells, and have opened a subscription to pay the expenses of the election. There is a report prevalent, says the Morning Chronicle; that Mr. Alcock will come forward; and in that case Mr. Wells would coalesce with him.

BANBURY. Mr. Vincent, the Chartist, has offered himself to the choice of the electors.

BATH. Lord Duncan has consented to stand with Mr. Roebuck, as the second Liberal candidate. He joined his fellow candidate last week.

Mr. Roebuck and Lord Duncan attended together at a meeting of the Liberal electors in the Guildhall, on Monday. The building was thronged to suffocation ; and the greatest unanimity prevailed.

BEDFORD COUNTY. Lord Charles Russell has issued an address sig- nifying his intention of resigning his seat for the county in the event of a dissolution. The reason he assigns for this course is, that he differs in opinion with a great portion of his constituents on the Corn-laws; and therefore thinks that his political connexion with them should cease. A Conservative, says the Northampton Herald, will be put for- ward in the person of W. Astell, Esq., of Everton House, many years a Director of the East India Company.

BIRMINGHAM. Owing to some " peculiar and popular plan," as it is called by the Times, no names of Tory candidates are yet fixed upon to oppose Mr. Muntz and Mr. Scholefield ; but Mr. Richard Spooner, an Anti-Poor-law man and Currency-doctor, is the favourite of the party ; and Mr. W. C. Alston, Mr. Whateley, Mr. Stapleton, Mr. Barker, and Mr. James Taylor the banker, are all mentioned for his coadjutor.

BOLTON. Mr. Cobden having accepted the requisition from Stock- port, does not stand for Bolton ; the only candidate, therefore, in the field is Mr. Ainsworth. Mr. Bolling, it is said, will retire, and two Conservatives will be brought forward. Mr. Edmund Ainsworth and Mr. Andrew Knowles are the only Liberals at present talked of as likely to be invited.—Manchester Guardian.

BRdMBER AND SHOREHAM. Lord Edward Howard has met the electors.

BRIDGNORTH. An active canvass has been personally instituted by each of three candidates ; Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Pigot, the present two Tory Members, and Mr. Frederick Howard, the son of an officer immor- talized in Childe Harold for his fall at Waterloo, a Liberal. Among Mr. Howard's Committee are Lord Leveson, the Honourable H. H. Tracey, who was unseated for Bridgnorth on a point of form, and Mr. Wolryche Whitmore. Mr. Wolryche Whitmore, says the Globe, has determined to give scope to his Free Trade opinions at this important crisis; having hitherto deferred to the opposite opinions of his relatives.

BRISTOL. The correspondent of the Brighton Gazette names other candidates besides Sir James Graham ; Mr. Herries, Mr. Tindal Bruce, and Mr. Baillie, son of Colonel Hughe Duncan Baillie, the Member for Honiton. The last is supposed to be the candidate selected. The Times names Mr. C. Blisset as the second Tory candidate; but fears that Mr. F. H. Berkeley " will be allowed to sneak in again without a contest." The Morning Chronicle says that Mr. Tripp, the rejected candidate at the last election, has, within a week after his withdrawal from the ap- proaching contest, again been persuaded to stand by the Tories.

BUCKINGHAM COUNTY. Mr. Scott Murray, says the Morning Post, succeeds Mr. Harcourt, in conjunction with Sir W. L. Young and Mr. Dupre.

CARDIGANSHIRE. Mr. Pryse, the present Whig Member, does not intend to offer himself for this town again.—Standard. CARNARVON BOROUGHS. Mr. Bulkeley Hughes will be opposed by st brother of one of the Queen's Household, Lord George Paget. He canvassed the electors in person last week.

CHELTENHAM. Mr. John Butler has issued an address in which he states his intention of contesting the borough with the Honourable C. F. Berkeley. He stands forward as "an independent Conservative, and unconnected with any petty clique or party." The Bristol Standard mentions a report, that Captain Rushout, the nephew of Lord North- wick, will be opposed to Mr. Berkeley.

It is expected by the Conservatives that Mr. James Agg Gardener will stand.

CHESHIRE, NORTH. A subscription has been opened at Stockport, to defray the cost of Mr. E. J. Stanley's reelection, and defeat the coalition of the Tory candidates, Mr. Tatton Egerton, the present Member, and Mr. Cornwall Legh.

CORNWALL, WEST. According to the Morning Post, Sir Charles Lemon has announced bis intention of retiring.

DENBIGH COUNTY. It is rumoured that Mr. Myddleton Biddulph will contest this county. The Honourable Mr. Cholmondeley will -retire, to make room for his cousin, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, who recently attained his majority.—Times.

DENBIGH BOROUGHS. Should Mr. Wilson Jones decline seeking the honour of again representing this district of boroughs, Mr. Townsend Mainwaring will be the candidate on the Tory interest. He will be opposed, we learn, by Captain Myddleton Biddulph. of Chirk Castle. Both gentlemen made their appearance in Denbigh on Saturday.— Times.

DERBY. The friends of Mr. Strutt and Mr. Ponsonby, the present Members, are actively canvassing in their behalf.

DERBYSHIRE, SOUTH. Lord Waterpark and a son of Mr. Gisborne are named as the Ministerial candidates ; and Mr. Colville and Mr. Mundy on the Tory interest.

DEVON, NORTH. Mr. Buller, who was defeated in 1839 by a majority of 480, will be brought forward by the Liberals, in opposition to Sir T. D. Acland and Mr. Buck.—Times.

Dolman, Nonni. There is some talk of Mr. Spearman being brought forward for the Northern Division ; but whether it be as the colleague of Mr. Lambton, or that Mr. Lambton intends to resign, -(which is the prevailing opinion,) is yet unknown.—Durham Advertiser.

DURHAM, SOUTH. It is rumoured that Mr. Pease retires ; and Lord William Poulett, a stanch Conservative, and brother of the Earl of Darlington, will be returned in his stead.—Northern Times.

DURHAM, SOUTH. The Morning Chronicle announces Mr. Henry Vane, a relative of the Duke of Cleveland, to stand with Mr. Bowes on the retirement of Mr. Pease.

FALMOUTH. Mr. Freshfield has positively declined to stand for Fal- mouth: and Mr. Hutchings also withdraws. The only candidate in the field is Dr. Bowring, whose chance is considered to be very good indeed.— Western Times.

FLINTSHIRE. The Honourable E. M. Lloyd Mostyu opposes the present Tory Member, Sir Stephen Glynne.

'FLINT BURGHS. Sir Richard Bulkeley has addressed the electors in the Liberal interest. Sir Richard, an agriculturist, prefers a fixed corn-duty to a sliding-scale. Mr. Dundas, a Whig, retires. GLOUCESTER. The Liberals have announced one candidate, Captain Frederick Berkeley, who was rejected some years since ; and have also forwarded a requisition to Mr. Phillpotts, the present Member, who has announced his intention to retire.

GRANTHAM. It is understood that Sir Montague Cholmley, Bart., an old and excellent Liberal, will contest this borough, with a certainty .of success.—Globe.

HARWICH. The Globe announces " one of the Secretaries of her Majesty's Treasury," and Mr. John Bagshaw, as candidates for the bo- rough.

HASTINGS. A Free-trade and electioneering dinner was given to Mr. Robert Hollond, the Liberal Member, on Tuesday week.

Mr. Frederick North, who has been invited to stand as a Liberal, re- fuses to give any pledges ; avows himself in favour of the Government proposals as to sugar and timber ; but is less distinct with respect to the -Corn-laws : he thinks all corn-laws bad "in the abstract," but will "not easily adopt the experimental policy of legislation on a nation's bread" ; and he will not pledge himself to oppose Sir Robert Peel. Neither party seems to be caught by Mr. North's trimming professions. Mr. Planta, the old Tory Member, is canvassing.

HERTFORD COUNTY. Mr. Hale has declined to stand for the Tories, -on account of ill health. The Honourable Dudley Ryder has con- sented; and at a meeting.of the Tories on the 3d, a subscription of 10,0001. was made to return him free of expense ; one gentleman sub- scribing 3,0001.

The Liberals have invited a second Reformer to stand with Mr. Rowland Alston' the Honourable T. Brand, in opposition to the third Tory candidate, Mr. Ryder.

HERTFORD BOROUGH. In this borough an attempt, it seems, is to be made to turn out Mr. Cowper ; and it is said that Sir M. Farquhar is to stand with Lord Mahon. At present nothing decisive is known.

Irswica. Mr. Wason has addressed the electors.

KIDDERMINSTER. Mr. Godson attended a public meeting of the electors on Monday. The town, says a Tory account, was crowded ; a cavalcade a mile and a half long, containing two hundred voters, forty carriages, several gentlemen on horseback, and an immense concourse -of the working-classes, escorted the Tory member into the borough. He spoke with great confidence of defeating the Liberal candidate, Mr. Rennie.

KNARESBOROUGH. The Honourable Charles Langdale, one of the liberal Members for Knaresborough, says the Morning Chronicle, again offers his services to that borough ; and a gentleman named Massy Hutchinson has also offered himself to the electors in the Liberal in- terest. Mr. Rich retires from the representation. The Times says that Mr. Ferrand, of Harden Grange, has been invited by the Tory electors. LANCASTER. Mr. F. Dashwood is canvassing Lancaster as a Free- trader. Mr. P. M. Stewart, a former Member, is also spoken of.

LEEDS. The Chartists of Leeds have determined to invite Mr. James Williams of Sunderland and Mr. James Leach of Manchester.

LICHFIELD. A Captain Dyott has been in the habit of writing letters to the citizens of Lichfield, from Plymouth Barracks ; and rumour says that he will undertake to spend some money in opposing Lord Alfred Paget.—Morning Chronicle.

LINCOLN, PARTS or LINDSEY. Lord Worsley has issued an address to the electors, promising to oppose the Government proposition for the change of the Corn-laws, and repeating that he has no confidence in Sir Robert Peers intentions as to continued protection.

MALMESBURY. The Whigs have put forward Mr. James Howard to oppose the Tory candidate, Mr. L. A. Burton.

Mtutow. Mr. Hamden of Little Marlow is the Conservative can- didate for this borough, in opposition to Sir William Clayton.—Morning Post.

MERTHYR. Sir John Guest will be opposed, we understand success- fully, by Mr. Homfrey, a large ironmaster, and a stanch Conservative.

MIDHURST. Colonel Sir H. Seymour is mentioned as likely to stand on the Conservative interest.

MIDDLESEX. Mr. Byng and Lord Edward Russell are spoken of as the Liberal candidates.

MONMOUTH AND NEWPORT BOROUGHS. Mr. Rolle of Hendra is the Conservative candidate.—Standard.

MORPETH. Major Hodgson Cadogan, a Conservative, again opposes the Honourable Mr. Howard.—Standard.

NEWCASTLE. Mr. Ord has issued an address to the electors of New- castle. He speaks in warm terms of the Budget propositions made by the Ministry, and signifies his intention of again offering himself as a candidate for that borough.—Port of Tyne Pilot.

NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT. Mr. Gisborne, the Member for Carlow, has been named by the Liberal electors to stand with Mr. Blake.

NORTHAMPTON. Mr. Payne is mentioned as a Tory candidate. Mr. Macdowall, a well-known Chartist, it is said, intends to start for the borough.

NOTTINGHAM. Sir John Cam Hobbouse and Mr. William Larpent are the Liberal candidates. Mr. Walter again comes forward ; and a son of' Sir Francis Burdett is talked of as his colleague.

PEMBROKE. Mr. J. M. Child has addressed the electors as a can- didate who is an advocate for an "abolition of all monopoly."

PETERBOROUGH. Mr. Thomas Gladstone, late M.P. for Leicester, and brother to the Members for Newark and Walsall, will stand for this borough, with every prospect of success. The Whig candidates are expected to be George Fitzwilliam and Sir Robert Heron.—Standard.

Sir Robert Heron again comes forward on the Liberal side.

PONTEFRACT. The Leeds Mercury mentions a requisition to be pre- sented to Mr. John Gully.

READING. Mr. Fyshe Palmer's age and infirmities have induced hint to retire ; and the Radicals, says the Times, have partly succeeded in persuading Mr. Pigott of Heckfield, eldest son of Mr. Pigott Conant of Sherfield, near Basingstoke, to stand. Mr. Charles Russell, who formerly sat for the borough, is one of the Conservative candidates ; the other is Viscount Chelsea, eldest son of Earl Cadogan.

READING. Mr. Sergeant Talfourd has intimated his intention of retiring.

ROCHDALE. Mr. Sharman Crawford, invited by a requisition, entered. the borough in procession on Saturday, and issued an address. He was well received by the Reformers, and the Chartists give him their support.

ROCHESTER. Should Mr. Bernal not come forward again, it is said that Mr. Ricardo will offer himself.

RUTLANDSIIIRE. The county will witness a contest for the first time these eighty years. A correspondent describes the celebrated electioneering agent Croucher as having been busy since Monday last, engaging inns and pubic-houses at Oakham, and making other due preparations to return a good Tory, the Honourable W. H. Dawnay, a son of Lord Downe ; who is introduced to the constituency by Mr. Finch of Burley Park.

SCARBOROUGH. Sir Charles Style retires. It is said that Colonel C. B. Phipps will oppose the sitting Tory Member, Sir Frederick Trench.

SHAFTESBURY. Lord Howard, eldest son of the Earl of Effingham, is named as a Liberal candidate.

SHEFFIELD. The Tories announce two Tory candidates, Mr. David Urquhart, "the celebrated Eastern diplomatist," and one of his fol- lowers, Colonel Taylor.

SHREWSBURY. The Tory Member, Sir Winifred Jenkins, and Mr. Slaney, the Liberal Member, retire. Major-General Sir Love Parry is the Liberal candidate. Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Tomline have signified their acceptance of the invitation conveyed in a requisition from the electors. The Globe says that Sir Winifred Jenkins tells his supporters that he retires, " because he has been promised by the expectant Premier the post of Governor of Bombay or Madras.'

STAFFORDSHIRE, NORTH. The Honourable Mr. Baring, says the Times, retires from the representation, but will be succeeded by Mr. Watts Russell and Mr. Charles B. Adderley, two Tories.

STAFFORD BOROUGH. Two Conservatives are promised: Mr. William Holmes, the Tory Whipper-in, and Captain Carnegie, nephew of Lord. St. Vincent.

STOCKPORT. Richard Cobden, Esq., has received a requisition signed by six hundred of the electors of Stockport, requesting him to come forward as a candidate at the approaching contest. As the electors of the borough are only about eleven hundred, his return will, therefore, be certain. Mr. Cobden has also been requested to stand for Bolton and Halifax.—Leeds Mercury. Mr. Cobden has accepted the invitation of the Stockport electors.

STOKE-UPON-TRENT. The Liberal candidate (for the Reformers content themselves with securing the return of one man) is Mr. Lewis

Ricardo, a son of the politico-economist, and a very ective member of the Anti-Corn-law League in London.—Morning Chronicle.

SUDBURY. Mr. Jones and Mr. Charles Taylor are spoken of' as can- didates.

SUSSEX, EAST. The Honourable Charles C. Cavendish retires, finding himself at issue with his constituents.

SUSSEX, WEST. The Earl of Surrey and Lord George Lennox, the Whig Members, have formally signified their intention to retire, leaving the field to the Earl of March and Colonel Charles Wyndham.

TAMWORTH. Captain Townshend, who contested the borough in 1837, opposes Mr. A'Court, the colleague of Sir Robert Peel.

TEWKESBURY. Since Friday last the Liberals of Tewkesbury have been actively engaged in preparing a requisition to a son of Mr. East- hope, the Member for Leicester, to come forward in conjunction with Mr. Martin.

TYNEMOUTEL The Liberal electors are busy in securing Sir Charles Grey's reelection. The Duke of .Northumberland's bailiff, according to the Morning Chronicle, supports the Tory candidate, Mr. William Chap- man, a Newcastle banker.

WALLINGFORD. Mr. Blackstone, the present Conservative Member, is again opposed by Mr. T. Teed, a Radical.

liThaisoe. Mr. John Ranisbottom is announced by the Morning Post as the Ministerial candidate, in the room of Mr. Robert Gordon, who retires from Windsor as well as the Secretaryship of the Trea- sury. In his valedictory address, Mr. Gordon says that he leaves the Government because he differs with them on the Corn-laws ; but that the kindness which be has experienced from Lord Melbourne will prevent his opposing him, even partially.

WORCESTER. In mentioning the issue of Mr. Bailey's address on offering himself again to his constituents, the Worcester Journal says, " His colleague has not yet been confidently selected from among the miscellaneous group of candidates which the Whig-Radicals have pro- duced. It is however reported, that Sir William Molesworth contem- plates the honour of being put in nomination by that party. Mr. Hardy, the Free-trading opponent of Corn-laws and Church-rates, has given way at his approach ; and the contest will now most probably rest between the Solicitor-General and Sir William."

YORK. Mr. Barkley, the Radical candidate, has retired. In, an address published by him on Saturday lust he, says- " Having consented to refer the matters urged by certain of my friends in this city to induce me not to contest its representation on the present occa- sion, 1 feel bound by the decision to retire. But I must state, that I made a preliminary stipulation as to the monies lately distributed in York, and have received a personal assurance, in which I have full confidence, that the pay- ment would have been made independent of the interests of any candidate. I have also received an explanation disclaiming any intention of imputing to me, directly or indirectly, any approval of such distribution of money." The money here alluded to is two sovereigns, which had been given to such of the freemen who voted some years ago for the Honourable E. R. Petre as are now in the Liberal interest. It is generally under- stood that the referee was Mr. Joseph Hume, who was consulted on his recent visit to Leeds. Sergeant Atcherley, the same day, issued an address, stating that he is ready to again contest the city on Conserva- tive principles. Mr. Lowther will, of course, stand on the same interest. —Times.


ARMAGH. Lord Charlemont's brother, the Honourable Mr. Caulfield, is expected to offer himself.

The Tories name Mr. Charles Fox, who was formerly returned for Longford, as a candidate for the city, "backed by the interest of his Grace the Lord Primate."

ATHLONE. Mr. O'Beirne has withdrawn his claims in favour of Mr. Daniel Farrell, of Beechwood. The latter, says the Times, was last year one of the " pure Whigs "; but the refusal of Government to appoint him to the Shrievalty of the county of Roscommon has altogether altered his views as to their policy, and he is now a Repealer.

BELFAST. Mr. Emerson Tennent, the Tory Member, has invited Mr. J. D. Ross, the new Liberal candidate, to a public discussion of the 'Budget propositions, " without the heat or excitement of a political discussion." Mr. Ross replies, that such a debate would be sure to de- generate into a political struggle, or a contest for personal triumph; and he suggests that it should be had in writing.

CLARE COUNTY. The Tories have called on Mr. Crofton Moore Vandeleur, of Kilrush House, to offer himself as a candidate for the county.

Coax COUNTY. The Dublin Evening Mail, anticipates a " walk over " for Lord Bernard and Mr. Leader.

DUBLIN. The Conservative Society have met to deprecate the ex- acting a pledge from candidates that they will not support Mr. Shaw's return for the University ; which led to Mr. Hamilton's abandoning all idea of standing for Dublin.

DUNDALK. The Dublin Monitor says that "Lord Jocelyn is about to make an inroad on Dundalk "; and the Drogheda Argus says that "some base renegade Catholics" have promised to join the Tories in opposing Mr. Redington, the sitting Member.

KINSALE. Colonel Henry Thomas, the Tory, according to the Times, will be opposed by Mr. P. Mahoney ; whose place he took on petition against Mr. Mahoney's return at the last election.

LOUTH. The Reformers, it is said, have induced Mr. Robert Chester, of Stonehouse, to come forward, in the room of Mr. Fortescue, who retires.

LONGFORD COUNTY. Mr. Anthony Lefroy, son of Dr. Lefroy, the Tory Member for Dublin University, is mentioned as the Conservative candidate for Longford. Mr. Lefroy has previously represented the county.

Mallow. Our Liberal friend, Sir Denham Norreys, the present Member, will be opposed by Mr. Longfield of Longueville, the late re- jected candidate for the county of Cork.— Waterford Chronicle.

Mayo. In an "Hereditary-bondsman" letter, Mr. O'Connell ex- presses himself " particnlarly anxious" about Mayo : he tells the electors that it would be " shameful to desert" Mr. Blake ; and exhorts them to reelect Mr. Dillon Browne, a " most valuable Repealer."

NEWRY. Sir John Milleya Doyle Is opposed by Mr. Dixon, who stood'for Kinsale in 1834. Mr. Dixon, to judge from his speech at a meeting of electors, is an earnest and hearty Reformer. Here is an extract : speaking of the questions of the day, he said- " These are questions not between the Whig and the Tory, or the Radical and the Whig ; but they form a long-standing and fearful account to be settled between the man who has money and the man who has none—between the owner of the soil and the eater of its produce. But, my friends, it never will be settled till you succeed in transfusing a larger portion of popular spirit into the Commons House. Whigs and Radicals, as well as Tories, are but men. To this end, you had better begin at the beginning, and not dream of erecting the superstructure till you have laid the foundation. Away, say I, with all property qualifications whatever, either for the elector or the elected. The suffrage must be coextensive with taxation; or rather, every man who haw attained the age of twenty-one, and who owns ' a local habitation or a name,' by means of which he can be registered and identified, must have a vote ; which vote must be given on the principle of the Ballot. And as the atmosphere of a certain Ihmourable House has a remarkable effect on the political, and indeed on the moral constitution, and because, moreover, 'short reckonings make long friends,' it should be imperative on your representatives to render to their respective constituencies an account of their stewardship at least once in three years ; or, in other words, von must insist on Triennial Parliaments."

After this speech, an agent of Sir John Doyle said that his employer went further than Mr. Dixon. He admitted that he alluded to the sub- ject of Repeal of the Union ; but refused to say distinctly that Sir John was a Repealer. Great uproar took place ; the non-electors were voted out of the room ; and after much discussion, the meeting separated without coming to any determination.

TIPPERARY. Mr. Sheil declines being at the expense of a contested election to hold his seat for Tipperary.--Limerick Chronicle.

The Honourable Mr. Maude, the only son of Lord Haw arden, is in the field ; and Mr. Richard Pennefather, or Mr. Ponsonby Barker of Kil- cooley Abbey, is expected to stand with him.

WATERFORD COUNTY. The Waterford Chronicle says that Mr.. Brewster has declined to come forward at the invitation of some Tories.

WEXFORD BOROUGH. Sir Thomas Esmonde the Reformer is op- posed by Mr. Bourne, an English Tory and corn-protector. Mr. Maher, the Liberal, retires on account of' ill-health ; and Cap-. tain Hatton, R.N., comes forward in his room.

Yoronera Mr. Frederick Howard, the Literal Member, retires. A. successor is not named ; but the Tories are ready with Mr. Eeily junior,. of Strancally Castle.


FORFA REHIRE. We are authorized, from the best authority, tb con- tradict the report that the Honourable Major Maule will be a candidate- for the representation of the county of Forfar at the ensuing general electicin.—Morning Chronicle.

Lord Frederick John Gordon, R.N., is named by the Morning Chronicle as Lord Douglas Hallyburton's successor ; and a cotre- spondent of our own informs us that Lord Frederick starts for Foe- farshire today, in company with Sir John Ogilvie.

LANARK. Captain Lockhart of Milton Lockhart, son of the Re- verend Dr. Lockhart of Glasgow, and brother of the editor of the Quarterly Reciew, has agreed to come forward as the Tory candidate for the county of Lanark, in place of Mr. M`Donald Lockhart, the pre- sent Member, who retires. The Glasgow Constitutional says that the Honourable Charles Murray, the Comptroller of the Household, has been invited by the Liberals.

RENFREWSHIRE. Mr. Mure of Caldwell is expected by the Tories to contest the county with Captain Houston Stewart, who will come for- ward in the room of his brother the sitting Member; Mr. Stewart find- big a Parliamentary life injurious to his health.

ROXBURGHSHIRE. The Edinburgh Evening Post has " good reason to believe " that the Honourable John Elliot will not again contest the county. A public meeting, at St. Boswell's Green, on Saturday, agreed to invite the Honourable Francis Scott, a Tory.

STIRLINGSHIRE. In consequence of Colonel Abercrombie retiring,. the Reformers, it is understood, will support Sir Michael Bruce, and the Tories Mr. Forbes of Callendar.—Globe.