12 JUNE 1847, Page 4

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GAYETY has been the characteristic of the week; and the chief festivity was the state ball at Buckingham Palace, last night,—the second of the season. Besides the various members of the Royal Family and Officers of State, the guests included the illustrious foreign visiters. The invitations exceeded 2,000; and the attendance of company was as unprecedented in brilliancy as in number. The Queen was attired very elegantly, in pink and white, with trimmings of pink acacias and diamonds; a wreath of acacias and dia- monds forming the head. dress. Prince Albert wore his Field-Marsbal's uniform, with a Russian order of knighthood, in addition to the stars of the British orders, and the ensigns of the Golden Fleece. As on former occa- sions, the entire suite of state rooms was thrown open, the throne-room being added to the ball-room for dancing.

Soon after ten o'clock, the Queen opened the ball with the Grand Duke Constantine; Prince Albert and the Grand Dutchess of Saxe Weimar being the opposite couple. About midnight the company sat down to a sumptuous sapper, laid in the state diuingroom, with the usual magnificent display of gold Plate and flowers.

The Queen received Prince Oscar of Sweden at Buckingham Palace on Saturday—in the, morning at a court, in the evening at dinner. The Royal party afterwards went to Her Majesty's Theatre.

The Queen and Prince Albert dined with the Queen Dowager, at Marl- borough House, on Wednesday. The party included the Grand Duke Constantine, the Grand Duke and Dutchess of Saxe Weimar, and the Prince of Lucca. The evening was enlivened by the performances of Mademoi- selle Lind, Lablache, Staudigl, and Gardoni.

Her Majesty gave audience to Lord Palmerston on Saturday, and on Monday to Lord John Russell. The Dutchess of Kent, accompanied by the Prince of Leiningen, left Cla- rence House on Tuesday, for Woolwich; where she embarked for Ostend, in the Garland steam-packet. Before her departure, her Royal Highness received a farewell visit from the Queen and Prince Albert- The Grand Duke Constantine dined with the Queen Dowager on Satur- day. Prince Oscar of Sweden visited Woolwich Dockyard and Arsenal on Monday, and on Tuead 7 rejoined his ship at SpItherid.

On Saturday, the birthday of the King of Reliever, Count Kielmansegge gave a grand dinner, in Grosvenor Place; which the Duke of Cambridge fraternally honoured with his presence.

Prince William of Hesse Philippsthal arrived at Marlborough House on Monday, from the Continent, on a visit to the Queen Dowager. There has been an unusual number of visits between the Royal personages find their illustrious guests, of dinner-parties, and of visits to the theatres. On Tuesday, all the world royal went to Chiswick, to visit the Duke of Deveeshire.